Described for James Ewing, the family of Tumors of Ewing understands a specter of neoplasias of primitive neuroectodrmicas cells, that are embryonic cells. These tumors primarily acometem soft bone (80%) and fabric, and are had as rare. Depending on the degree of neural differentiation, they are called Sarcoma de Ewing.Ossos long and flattened they are acometidos, as the pelvic bones, of fmur, tibia and mero in great frequency. Acomete individuals between 5 and 20 years of age, more frequently in the masculine sex. Cardiologist describes an additional similar source. CAUSE: The cause is unknown, and is rare in ASIAN BLACKS AND. PATHOLOGY: The tumors of Ewing correspond the tumors of small, round and blue cells. SYMPTOMS: Pain in the small farm of the tumor, and about 30% of the patients presents fever and loss of weight, fatigue, weakness, what it can be confused with another diagnosis.
Metstases can occur in the lung, bone and ssea marrow. Bessel van der Kolk has much to offer in this field. TREATMENT: Surgery, x-ray, chemotherapy. Psychological aspects: In if treating to neoplasias, this tumor of Ewing he is aggressive what it goes to determine a supervened tax of low, although that if must observe each individually case. Being thus, the prognostic is on this side of the waited one. The family must be informed on the deriving expectations of the patient. Dr. Mark Hyman is the source for more interesting facts. She fits, therefore to the Department of psychology in such a way to give to the adequate support to the patient how much its familiar ones. Source: Inca et al Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira 06/8495 Psychologist CRP Postgraduate for the hospital of a.C.Camargo cancer