AfE Mayor Hampered The Voters Group

Schonefeld threatened the voter group with high fines to Schonefeld and the district Dahme Spreewald introduced himself as a new political force for the community already in May. She announced the municipal on the 28th for the local Council, the Municipal Council and the Association of choice to make. Didn’t like that some of the other political groupings from the outset. They fear your power loss. That probably particularly dislike the Mayor Dr.

Udo Haase (all for an AfE). We felt from the outset\”the resistance against us on the part of the Administration, remembers Christian Hentschel, Chairman of the up. Only the lawyer specializing in administrative law of Andreas could bring light into the darkness of the authority large prestigious law firm Becker Buttner Held from Berlin. At the 17.Juli 2008 the voters group AfE at an early stage, but in our opinion wrong terms, election posters hung, the offensive against us started\”, says Kai Maschmann. This election posters, the later dubious notoriety gained, may be suspended only as of July 29, 2008. For the Mayor has granted quickly once an exemption (special license) his constituency\”, says Holger Schadtle.

The protest of up to the DMV ran in the sand, Konigs Wusterhausen not responsible there is and the Ministry of infrastructure and spatial planning were not responsible. As a new group of voters she had to agree to the electoral authority of the municipality of Schonefeld, because it comes to the election. That as the law prescribes\”, explains Anja Gajer. Also, the constituency had to prove to supporters signatures of adult citizens of the community in certain number. These had to be recorded on a list provided for this purpose and are delivered at the Wahlleiterin wife Dorothea Schulze, Deputy Mayor, until 20 August 2008 16:00. Many are unfortunately not come with their signature to support us, our supporters Since the municipality is thought out new hurdles for us\”, accuses Rainer Sperling.