Diabetes: Epidemic Diabetes

Diabetes is one who frequently is the diabetes mellitus diseases in Germany one of the most common diseases. The disease is so widespread and more and more children suffer from diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is not only known for the modern. There are first transmissions from ancient times. In the vernacular, the disease was called “Honeyed flow”.

For a diabetic, the sugar in the urine is excreted. So, the physician with a taste of urine could make a diagnosis. However, diabetes is no disease that suddenly there is, but is insidious and across developed over the years. The symptoms of diabetes do not occur in all patients, and so it is only difficult to see that he was diagnosed with the disease for the affected. The first signs of diabetes can be fatigue, itching, increased thirst and frequent urination. Glenn Dubin, New York City is often quoted as being for or against this.

Every patient can have a blood sugar test at a pharmacy. If the test shows high values, should you always see a doctor. Diabetes must always be treated and therefore should you looking rather sooner than later, a doctor. There are different heavy levels of diabetes and therefore different treatment methods. This we divided the diabetes in a certain type. That’s why there are also patients who come out without spraying. At an early stage, to reach with the right diet and exercise a lot. But, one thing is the same for all patients: they have to change their diet. Special recipes for diabetics can be found in sufficient numbers on the Internet or in various cookbooks. Also the food industry knows the problems of diabetics and has adjusted to the growing number of patients. Also extra products for diabetics, such as chocolate or Brotausfstriche can be found in most stores. Patients today have a much greater range than it was ten years ago. Of course even healthy people can eat the delicious meals, so that must not be cooked for the diabetics alone. Who would like to learn more about diabetes, can do this on the Internet or consult his physician. There are many Internet sites that deal with this topic and forums offer an exchange for sufferers and their families. Manni friend

Public Disease Number

Unfortunately little or very little is known about one of the largest and most widespread symptoms. Unfortunately little or very little is known about one of the largest and most widespread symptoms. Venous insufficiency are a completely untreated area within the modern allopathic medicine in their formation, but also in their treatment. This is due less to the research and the research will, rather on the many complex issues that arise in the study of venous disorders. Experts suspect a genetic or evolutionary defect in the development of venous disorders. The genetic defect refers to the developments of metabolism due to food and moving way. Details can be found by clicking Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. or emailing the administrator. The evolutionary effect is based only on the latter changes.

While the man had to spend his day on all fours in the previous time he relies on still more or less two feet, which demonstrably leads to a modified and reduced blood flow. This argument is also supported by the adoption of confirms that large parts of modern day processes by immobility are characterized, and so the body has almost no way simply to improve his blood flow and to develop. So, varicose veins and venous insufficiency in General caused by insufficient exercise and training of the body. Venous disorders are still, and that’s the positive message, very easy to recognize. Often, the concerned notice that something is not right. There are the obvious features is a heavily modified vein, which, for example, which has widened greatly, or but pain around a swollen vein.

Also a doctor for veins can make a right diagnosis quickly and easily, only the treatment is slightly heavier. If you have a venous insufficiency, which should necessarily go to a doctor. A lack of medical support in the treatment can lead to strong damage to the body and the immune system. That goes from the heart attack, allergies up to the amputation of body parts. Anu Saad oftentimes addresses this issue. The treatment is designed depending on the case different and inpiduell. While fortunately treatments such as bloodletting in today’s medicine is almost completely disappeared, there are still classic cures that are promising to date strong. In particular, there are compression methods and massages, which are at the heart of the traditional treatment methods, but also operational and other technical solutions are now commonplace. These are mostly, and should, the latter choice because they are not entirely risk-free. Not to get into this position, it is recommended therefore makes sense to prevent. The author has even a venous disorders and sports as compensation and increase of personal wellbeing recommends therefore necessarily it a meaningful method of prevention also writes articles about doctor for veins is certainly the practice of a sport. Above all sports with a high degree of movement and a holistic movement can proven to effectively prevent venous disorders and improve even the general well-being. Of course plays a According to healthy eating an important role and should be under not be neglected.

Flu Viruses Database

Consumer protection Ministry supports settlement of influenza database in Bonn the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) and the GISAID Foundation paved the way for the establishment of a flu virus database in Bonn with a memorandum of understanding on October 14, 2009. In the international influenza database to collect all information about the world’s rampant influenza virus. The database is developed for the GISAID Foundation by the Max Planck Institute for computer science and the a3 System GmbH. “With the establishment of the international influenza database in Germany we want to support fast data exchange of emerging influenza viruses”, as Federal Minister of food, agriculture and consumer protection Ilse Aigner (CSU) in the press release of the BMELV by the 16.10.2009. “It is important to react quickly and develop vaccines for humans and animals.” In 2006, scientists from around the world to the GISAID Foundation had (global initiative on) Sharing all influenza data, platform.gisaid.org) joined together.

The aim of the initiative is the worldwide free and free exchange of genetic, epidemiological and clinical data of known and newly discovered influenza viruses. On behalf of the GISAID Foundation was the influenza database EpiFluDB”developed in which currently participate scientists from more than 140 countries. The research origin and development of the pathogen on the globe can analyze using the collected data – for example sequences of 30,000 isolates of influenza. Better knowledge about the spread of dominant flu viruses should improve and speed up the development of seasonal vaccines. After the GISAID initiative and the existing database operator had separated, the influenza database has been programmed from scratch. Since August 2009, she will operated system in Saarbrucken at the Max Planck Institute for computer science and a3 and further developed. After completion of the development she should permanently to the Federal Agency for agriculture and food to Bonn be moved.

Via the a3 System GmbH a3 system is a solution provider for demanding business applications and integration projects. A3 systems designs, develops, and tests software solutions based on accepted industry standards and best practice “-approaches.” Project-specifically put together teams of experts accompany the projects through all stages of the analysis and specification through design, implementation, and integration to introduction, maintenance and operation. With the dante product family provides a3 system standard products for the areas of content management, Newslettermarketing, and helpdesk. Your personal contact for further questions: Hartmut Schmitt a3 system Saarbrucker Strasse 51 66130 Saarbrucken GmbH phone: + 49 (681) 988 18-0 fax: + 49 (681) 988 18-29 E-Mail: Web:

First Aid: Scrapes In Children

How to treat scrapes in children? Everyone is already with the bike toppled as a child, stumbled or fell with the roller skates and has that it scrapes incurred. These mostly relate to the knee or elbow. They are not bad, should be but cleaned and properly supplied. How does an abrasion? If the skin along a rough surface, creates an abrasion where the top layer of skin, the epidermis, is injured. Usually, the layers below the skin, the DermIS and the Subcutis are not violated. The papillae located in the DermIS are torn with their tiny blood vessels, the wound is bleeding. Credit: Dr Jee Hyun Kim-2011.

This is not very bad, but scrapes are somewhat painful and they burn, because nerve endings from the DermIS are uncovered by the abrasion of the skin. Supply an abrasion especially, when children change to an abrasion on the street, gets dirt in the wound often. The injury is not cleaned, germs can penetrate and one Cause inflammation. To avoid an inflammation, it is advisable to clean the wound with disinfectant. The best healing abrasions on the air. Rub pieces of clothing from the wound, but this should be covered with a plaster, to avoid further irritation. The abrasion is only superficial, she will heal quickly and without scarring. The wound is very large, strong dirty or very deep, you should absolutely consult a doctor. For more information, as well as helpful products for the first wound care in children, see

Medical Devices

Big promotion with incredible prices makes the sale of medical equipment to the delight of ostringen, October 19, 2009. So, trade in expensive medical equipment even in the crisis is fun. The online marketplace specializing in medical technology intermediport.de celebrated the continued success of the last few months and allows all its customers and those who want to become it, participate. “The flat-rate product intermediport-Pro” enables every retailer to set as many devices in the online marketplace in a period of 6 months, and to act. The interesting thing about this pricing model is that it neither the seller nor the buyer additional costs or commissions are required. intermediport-professional”usually costs 99 Euros per month for a period of 6 months, what plus VAT is equivalent to a total price of EUR 594. The content of intermediport is enjoyed in recent months of very popular and the company invested heavily in a new infrastructure. Please visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. if you seek more information. This infrastructure should be utilised: therefore intermediport begins an incredible special offer.

November 20th, the flat rate option is intermediport-Pro”for 20 euro a month, instead of the usual 99 euros and a total price for 6 months 120 euros Excl. VAT offered. This unique and time-limited special offer is equivalent to a saving of legendary 474 euro. The flat rate is not extended after these 6 months. Intermediport would like to convince more large and small traders by the advantages of the flat-rate options with this step. The Managing Director Tobias Bar explained in an interview: Our experience has shown that nearly all flat rate contracts have amortizes itself within a very short time. After a month, 90 percent of our flat-rate customers generated more profit than the 6-month flat rate option intermediport professional”costs. The current special offer is far beaten until achieving the profit limit. this period of time”

Stinging In The Legs And Edema

Edema can be a symptom of a serious disease, on the other hand, they can be but also quite harmless. Edema are nothing more than water retention in the summer, usually in the legs or in the hands. The fingers are thick, seems no longer to fit the wedding ring and it is almost impossible in the shoes to come, because they seem to suddenly too small. Vessels expand equally when heat as other substances and liquid can no longer so good are transported via the lymph. Follow the sequence of edema are a cut in the legs and edema. The stinging or other pain come through a poorer blood circulation. However, there is only one means: movement. Other leaders such as Miles D. White offer similar insights. It improves blood circulation to the one, on the other hand the lymph can be removed better, because the muscle work decisively is involved.

Ideal swimming, because several factors to one is better contribute removal. Need to work the muscles, improves blood circulation, moreover, the pressure of water from the outside. In addition, water has of course a cooling effect. Magnesium can help against the stinging in the legs. Magnesium is important for the muscles, is also involved in a number of other processes in the body or important for it.

Edema are often edema not only in the legs or hands, and not just with heat signs of disease onset, which can be a symptom of various diseases. Edema in the lungs, legs or even in the stomach can occur in the heart failure. Of renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver, edema also occur. For more specific information, check out Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Several medications are known to promote water retention and to be responsible for the formation of edema. Cortisone called above all here, but also antidepressants often have this unwanted side effect. Edema occur but also, if the lymphatic channels for any reason not work properly. This may be the case, for example, with scars, the circuit is broken here and the lymph can no longer be transported be. Even after the removal of lymph nodes, edema may occur. An underActive of thyroid it can cause the eyelid edema, swollen eyelids on both sides at the. Who generally has a low lymph compression stockings can help. The constant pressure causes a better removal of lymph. Edema in pregnancy are quite common and occur mostly in the second third. Usually a harmless symptom, that is again after giving birth. Come to have increased blood pressure and protein in the urine should be considered a gestosis, which belongs under medical supervision.

Secondary Metabolites

Venous weakness and swollen legs by experts swear by recommended many people nature, when it comes to their health. That’s a good thing, because the natural opportunities for some ailments and diseases to cure or mitigate. They are usually, but not the whole plants that are useful, but certain herbal ingredients. So is the chronic venous insufficiency, a condition of the veins, which better varicose veins known as is. In this disease, certain secondary metabolites from a wide variety of plants should be helpful.

Now, a new scientific study has examined these phytochemicals actually are recommended for people with venous weakness and varicose veins. Additional information is available at cardiologist. While scientists are systematically went through the world’s present research for the treatment of venous weakness and have rated the used pflanzlichenTherapeutika. Of the plant resources, the Oxerutine and certain flavonoids could withstand the scientific views. Both were recommended by scientists for people with venous weakness. The flavonoids for treating venous weakness are still quite unknown in Germany. This involves the flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin from a lemon.

These have increasingly attracted the attention of health research in in recent years, because multiple health effects ascribed to them. Thereby, the intensive studies have shown repeatedly that are Diosmin and Hesperidin in the situation, to help people with venous disorders. She can in weakness of vein ease pain, reduce inflammation, reduce the swelling, and it can accelerate even the healing of skin ulcers in advanced stages. This is good to know for people who already suffer from varicose veins. But even more. The flavonoids from the lemon can stop the progression of the venous weakness and could therefore be suitable for the prevention of venous diseases. These results give hope and suggest that the flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin regulating effect can in what is happening at venous weakness and prevent in natural ways of further deterioration. This results that the flavonoids should be as early as possible nutritionally applied to influence the course of suffering still cheap mean for the application concerned with venous weakness. The flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum in the trade are in Germany. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet.

Dental Health Day

Phone consultation of the Board of Trustees for perfect dentures, I to my dentures some questions. Can you help me? Such and similar rates the experts of Board of Trustees perfect dentures (KpZ) often hear from patients. On Wednesday, September 25, the specialists take again time for a phone consultation. Interested parties can contact from 17 to 19 h to the dental technicians and dental professionals. Read additional details here: Dr. Mark Hyman. It should be gold his or better than ceramic? What can I do if my prosthesis fit properly? How do diseases such as diabetes or osteoporosis affect the therapy? Many patients call with very specific questions about treatment and supplies. Therefore our telephone team with experienced technicians and highly qualified dental professionals is busy,”says Professor Hans-Christoph Lauer, head of the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ. The prosthetics expert accompanied the action for years. His tip to the caller: The better the preparation, the benefit is greater. For more information see Dr. Mark Hyman.

We therefore recommend that all points in advance carefully to “record and important dental documents about treatment and cost plan, to have at hand.” The dental questions Professor Lauer and the dental team, Tel. 069/665586-44. concerning the questions in a focus on dental technicians, are master dental technician under 069/665586-55 (calls to the usual fixed network costs) available. Of course, patients get other advice and assistance: via E-Mail or online form of the Scientific Advisory Board of the KpZ questions at any time and free of charge patient..

Germans Fruits

Health risks can result his fruit and vegetables are healthy. Everyone knows that. Unfortunately, not everyone is that the consumption of fruit and vegetables is declining in Germany, although was found again and again in various studies that can be with sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables promote heart health, prolongs the life of even. Special positive properties for fat metabolism are attributed to individual fruits, such as apples. If it so no question is that fruits and vegetables good for health are, then remains only the question of how much we daily must eat of them, achieving significant positive effects and whether there may be alternatives for fruit and vegetable mould. A recently published study from Finland has shown the positive effect of fruit and vegetables on the health of very impressive.

From three servings of fruits and vegetables daily, it is noticeable. Eight servings a day may increase the risk of coronary heart disease to die to 22% lower. Who for example, manages to eat daily eight apples, must worry about his health from a nutritional standpoint. Unfortunately very few people do it. Even the three apples every day at least to achieve a small health effect, are a permanent challenge for many. Recent statistics show that daily consumption of fruits and vegetables per Germans just corresponds to an Apple and that even with a declining tendency. Against the background of this negative development, it is necessary, alternatives to think about, as long as the consumption of fruit and vegetables is equivalent to not meet the health requirements. It is the question whether nutrients to compensate for the inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables from a health perspective, at least in part in the form of tablets and capsules. This is quite certainly not completely, to fruits and vegetables are far too complex to reproduce it in pills to.


Of course, we are proud to be able to introduce this success at the next CPhI in Frankfurt. Hyaluronidase Hyaluronidase: Is a hydrolytisches enzyme, which in its basic elements breaks down hyaluronic acid (D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) and the ability gives the substances to penetrate deeper into the tissue. It is therefore for example Hyaluronidase in high concentration in the mouth apparatus of leeches in the venom of scorpions, snakes, bees and various pathogenic micro-organisms such as pneumococci and streptococci. Simplified one could say, their function is, the substances, which transported them to disguise the protective mechanisms of organisms. Perhaps check out Apollo Proton Cancer Centre for more information. This property is the reason for the numerous important applications in the pharmaceutical industry, but also for the existing natural limitations, which are dictated by the usual extraction from potentially hazardous to the human organism substances (for example, with resulting risk known for a bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also called BSE’). The great progress achieved by the research of Fidia, is a recombinant Hyaluronidase with high safety profile of? to produce pathogenic micro-organisms. This Hyaluronidase by Fidia offers the same efficiency as that of a Hyaluronidase obtained by extraction; However, it is of higher purity, and without the risks associated with transmission of viruses. Female sexual dysfunction is the generic viagra 50mg inability of women of the same age. So, do not think of taking the medicine without visiting a healthcare provider. female levitra (Tadalafil) is one of the best ED (erectile dysfunction) drug available today. levitra (Tadalafil) was introduced as an erectile dysfunction treatment. Eat healthy and avoid fried, fatty and junk food, to stay fit and generic india levitra strong. There are uncountable reasons which are promoted generic tadalafil canada the erectile dysfunction treatment drugs and is mainly responsible for the curing effect. Hyaluronidase promises in addition as a carrier substance, that the uniform distribution and recording of with her connected agents favors, promoting advanced applications in diseases of high socio-economic importance (Oncology, diabetes, immune deficiency) as well as an optimization of the efficiency of gene therapies and the bioavailability of subcutaneously introduced biological medicinal products; This reduces the need for endo venous therapy. Microbiologia gathered all the information.

Some areas where Hyaluronidase can be used efficiently, are: in pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of Perniones, hemorrhoids, edema, localized inflammation and myocardial infarction; In addition to the local anesthetic in eye surgery; as part of the release system for transdermal drugs to encourage the recording of the organism; in cosmetic surgery to the containment of complications after wrinkle treatments, also with hyaluronic acid; in oncology to suppress the progression of tumour cells; in veterinary medicine as an addition of antibiotic solutions, for example for treating udder infections. About FIDIA Farmaceutici S.p.a.. Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.a.., an internationally recognized Italian company, develops, manufactures and markets innovative medicines, medical devices, and dietary supplements with a high added value, security and efficiency. The activities focus among others on diseases of the musculo-skeletal and tissue repair; in these areas the company is a worldwide leader in the development of products based on hyaluronic acid and its derivatives. Over fifty years of research on the molecular and the related patents, Fidia made today on one of the first places in related research and development, product portfolio and worldwide sales. The company is also leading in research & Development and marketing of technologically processed biological products.