Alcohol? Know Your Limit!

With interactive tools and tests to assess the personal consumption alcohol is the most common drug in Germany. In total, around 9.5 million Germans aged 18 to 64 have a health risky alcohol consumption. This means that they consume alcohol in a health risk. Check out Joey King for additional information. About 1.3 million of them are addicted to alcohol and alcohol abuse is present in approximately two million people. Each year approximately 74,000 men and women die from the consequences of their alcohol consumption. The initiative alcohol? Know your limit”of the Federal Centre for health education (BZgA) is used to inform of the population of adults about the dangers and consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City.

Adults should be motivated to a responsible handling of alcohol. The website is online now about a year and has since then including a test based on its visitors their personal alcohol consumption can assess and find out whether they are at risk in terms of alcohol consumption. Are new now two interactive elements that allow a still more descriptive approach to the topic of alcohol and its potential effects and consequences. The so-called alcohol BodyMap offers a Visual representation of possible losses caused by alcohol consumption on body and mind. With the help of an online alcohol calculator, visitors can learn pure alcohol draws how many grams which blood alcohol concentration (alcohol) for them to be and what are the consequences of the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the perception and health has. This information, interactive tools include concrete recommendations for a low-risk consumption of alcohol and practical assistance for a reduction of alcohol consumption. In addition to the Internet site the BZgA information brochures for adults provides that to inform, for example, critical consumption quantities and consulting and offers of help for alcohol problems. These can be obtained free of charge via the Internet presence.


At the leading German online show ‘online marketing Dusseldorf’, four companies will present the most exciting Web 2.0 concepts together. The young company styleranking is as a party official, Scout for the exhibition on the road with photographer and video team. On a large stand party guest presented the new portal as special beerstickr. On 17th and 18th September 2008 expected visitors online-marketing Dusseldorf \”the whole world of digital marketing. Under the motto of 360 digital marketing fair attaches particular importance this year on the promising sectors of the industry, that are represented by well-known exhibitors at the fair.

On the leading online trade fair in Germany present achtQuark, active value, Charamel companies and styleranking with a common marketing approach. By the same author: Abraham Maslow. styleranking media, a Fashioncommunity was founded in January 2007, announces its partnership with strong companies, operate the portals from Web 2.0. In Hall 11 stand A38 the founders and creators of the following can Company to the personal interview are made: styleranking ( is a young Fashioncommunity, where users can show the images of their best outfits and evaluate other fashion images. \”Democratically every week new trends are generated from these user reviews: the style of the week\”. The styleranking media GmbH was founded in January 2007 by Daniel Sadhu and Roland Schweins. In the NUK business plan competition awarded well into the third winner of June 2007 and in two stages each with a prize. Company of the month of March of the Foundation network of the NRW – city Dusseldorf is also styleranking. Others including Glenn Dubin, offer their opinions as well.

well, A38 in Hall 11 presented the innovative concept of online fashion and his team at the OMD on stand live and in person. well it did currently with his fashion blog to higher ordinations: is one of the styleranking fashion blog the best blogs about fashion world. Topics in the blog are mostly interviews with exciting young designers, reports on new and cool labels, Stories of the major and minor fashion shows and trends in streetwear.


Done correctly, you can earn online money. Advertise reader costs nothing. According to this principle, effective article marketing as one of many Web advertising method emerged. Done correctly, you can earn online money. Advertise reader costs nothing. According to this principle, effective article marketing as one of many Web advertising method emerged. The function is usually simple: through unique content (“unique content”) in articles, which in turn are scattered on various article directories, guides the advertiser the inclined reader to your website, to the own block on a specific YouTube channel. Single Keywordphrasen in the text with the destination be linked for this purpose. See Glenn Dubin for more details and insights.

No real novelty is article marketing benefits. The basic ideas dating back to a time before the Internet. Earlier, company advertised like through articles in journals for themselves. And even then, the method was free. Partially paid all fees to the authors for articles. In times of the Internet, the power of good positioning is whether Google and the Article directories on the Web. The latter can accommodate free content and links that are found by the reader entering the search term on Google. This way also shines through speed.

The items appear normally very fast in Google’s search results. The contents are unique, the above article is available. A method on the professional SEOler access, use the Google search engine optimization. Three principles of article marketing correctly! Article directories, place such as, for example,, for articles to provide. Google lists the article. The quid pro quo, the author must muster, is unique (unique content). Some company boils down to to place identical texts on various sites and blogs. This is the wrong way, because sometimes, also the article directories check whether it is unique content. Uniqueness is also its interest, because in this way get more readers on the page. Is simply multiplying by content (‘duplicate content’) Thus a taboo.

EPAG Will Show The Way To

EPAG domainservices GmbH supports the road show titled .brand as premium sponsor but how? Bonn, May 15, 2009 – the Organizer aims to inform interested companies at an early stage about details of the application procedure and technical solutions for the operation of an own domain registrar and to bring together with industry experts on the subject. After the kick-off event on next Tuesday, May 19, 2009, in Cologne will insert three more stops in Frankfurt (May 25, 2009), Munich (09 June 2009) and Berlin (10 June 2009) event organised by eco, the Association of the German Internet industry E.v., and the brand association. The subject is new top level domains currently of interest, because the Internet authority ICANN allows allowing any number of top level domains (TLD) for the first time in its ten year history starting in spring 2010. This market opening offers a promising new method to place itself in the digital market at forwardmost position companies and interest groups. Since the application for a new TLD very complex and with high demands made by the ICANN is connected, all interested parties are invited to inform themselves free of charge on the opportunities and risks of applying for an own TLD at the road show. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Hyun Kim offers on the topic..

EPAG domainservices GmbH is represented as a premium sponsor for all four stops with a stand. “Together with minds + machines, partner of EPAG in new TLDs, EPAG is offering advice for TLD prospects and the technology solution espresso” for the operation of a registry back-ends. Keep in Cologne Alexander Schwertner of EPAG, a lecture on the way will be in addition to the new TLD”, which informs the visitors about the technical requirements of an application and the subsequent operation of the registry. With expert advice and proven technology, EPAG is the candidates even in the wake of the briefings to the page. In all phases of the introduction of new TLDs, as well as the later operating companies and communities of interest can on the support of the Registrar build industry experience. Learn more about this with Carl Jung. You can get ntld more information about the dates of the road show see initiatives / namesnumbers.htm, and a first overview of the range of services the EPAG in new TLDs”under. EPAG domainservices GmbH is one of the leading registrars in Germany that specializes in domain management for domain resellers, corporations as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.

EPAG is since 2000 ICANN Registrar as well as contract partner of many domain registries. Now 280 top-level domains can be registered centrally via direct interfaces of EPAG. The expert team of EPAG offers its customers a comprehensive service from the fully automated domain registration to the personal assistance with exotic domains registration.

Web Data

A new platform has information on the Internet around the topic of encryption of data encryption. Informative and entertaining the applied security GmbH (apsec) numerous arguments, presented the for an extra data safety talk. Stockstadt am Main, June 23, 2010 – with wit and irony accesses apsec two serious issues: privacy and the security of intellectual property rights in computer networks. Around the encryption solution fideAS file enterprise informs the company regulations and threats to corporate data is electronically stored. The focus is the information: the Portal shows why companies should encrypt their data. The lower Franconian software forge is called for mainly two reasons.

First, Many data must be protected by cryptographic methods because corresponding sets out among other things the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). And secondly: companies should ensure that their trade secrets, their knowledge and know-how falling into the hands of their competitors fall. With numerous examples from everyday business the site indicating that unencrypted data mean a danger should not be underestimated. Even the Penal Code for the leakage of confidential information threatens professional groups who are under confidentiality, sensitive sanctions. Provocative and entertaining Web site setting out different scenarios – and presents concrete solutions on the basis of the product fideAS file enterprise. In addition, a simple and clear navigation, as well as links to interesting external sources complete the informative page. This online special offers not only IT managers and entrepreneurs looking for reliable file encryption as an exciting source of information from which one draws like.

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Marcel Hophan

Access to the database of all service providers relating to events is free of charge. A Premiumeintrag is worth already a basic entry contains so many details that the user can search its suitable location quickly and easily. Who wants to place his offer but still better and present, can do so with a very profitable premium – or top-Premiumeintrag. From the experience of recent years and due to the excellent positive feedback of the premium customers who were able to implement many more rentals through the entry, this offer was expanded even better and is presented well targeted. The success story began four years ago the portal already since February 2008 successfully online, has been continuously further developed by the initiators and enlarged. It started once with approximately 2,000 entries and offers today well over 45,000 entries.

With a large The makers of developed ambition, with personal and private engagement, and with its own financial resources, without foreign or State aid, from the small portal the most comprehensive database to search for venues and event services. Not only the entries and the notoriety increased significantly, but that combined sales. The creative potential of the founder is reflected in the offer. Everyone will find something for the next event of the converted pigsty of an original forest hut or a tree house to historic castles and seminar yachts – on When it comes to sex life, anxiety and stress cipla cialis india also contribute to sexual weakness in men. Today millions of men around the world learn this here now buy cialis are deprived of sexual pleasure because their male partners last for just one or two minutes in copulation. Shark cartilage is a very popular remedy among cialis india discount sufferers of arthritis because it has anti-inflammatory and supports healthy joint function. But knowing necessary pros and sildenafil professional cons is required before jumping into buying a product or taking care of health. The great success of the site has been evident in the first year of existence even through two awards: the Xaver award won the audience award as well as silver in the category “Best supplier project”. Creativity and experience were at the beginning of “The aim of the new website was to make the portal even more interesting” explains Marcel Hophan, the owner of “The user can now “still more detail to look, and the locations and service providers can better present themselves”. Hophan, who has worked for over 15 years as event -, sales – and Marketing Manager as well as event consultants, provided requirements, ideas and experience for the successful project.

Thanks to his excellent contacts within the event scene, he could adapt the portal on the needs of users and customers. Majo Ridilla supports with its experience in the area of administration, marketing, design, etc. For the complete relaunch the company Metanet AG in Zurich is responsible at the same time as competent hosting partner. With expertise and commitment, the unique portal was developed until today the professionals with their event and IT experience, several months of development time and more than 20,000 hours of work for the development and expansion of the site, for data maintenance and other have invested in the project. Venues and event services was researched in part even in the Internet and equipped with the necessary basic information and registered. Thus is an extensive database of worldwide placed premises and event service providers available to the user at the start of

Mommy Web, the online portal for mothers, reaching nationwide monthly over 260,000 unique users in his first AGOFAusweisung. With the AGOF offer ranking was determined that 75 percent of users are female, and half of the audience is 30 to 49 years old. 84% of users are aged between 20 and 49. A quarter of the registered Mommy Web users has a household income of at least 3,000 euros. The mommy Web members are interested especially toy and baby stores. In addition, also a great interest in women’s cosmetics, clothes and wellness products is available. Furniture or other accessories to the beautification of the apartment are for the user of importance. In addition, the users information at random about all the latest news on the subject of family.

But the offer at Mommy Web goes far beyond mother issues: even of the lifestyle blog with the latest on celebrities and stars is heavily visited. In addition, also entries about food and drink and information about online banking and online shopping are large among users Attention. An ICD works on battery that monitors the flow of purchase viagra online blood by enhancing the rate of its circulation towards the men’s main sexual part. Penis viagra buy germany enlargement sex problem is basically not a sexual enhancer. Both men and women viagra without prescription uk get affected by the health issues such as spinal injuries, accidents or strokes. Anxiety related to an impending cheapest viagra from india event like job interview, marriage, etc. In the area of E-Commerce, the mommy Web members to purchase toys, milk products and other baby supplies are interested in. But also health products, women’s clothing, cosmetics and perfumes are high interest among users. Mommy Web: Mommy Web is the largest German online portal for mothers and women who want to be there with 260,000 registered users. A new Member of the free community, which was founded in June 2007 registered every two minutes. Mommy Web daily over 10,000 posts will be posted.

Mommy Web thus belongs to the largest and most active women-specific websites in the German-speaking world. Mommy Web offers tips from moms and advice from professional women, daily new articles in the mommy Web Magazine and lifestyle blog, contact mothers from the region, practical functionalities (E.g. photo albums, ads, chat room) and the ability to create your own Mommy Web groups with subject-specific or regional alignment. Press contact: Mommy Web GmbH, Natalija Krenz Tel.: + 49-69-4898166-0 E-mail:

Managing Director Sahar Zschiesche

Range of music sales rises to over 175 million benefit that digital music sales recordJet provides the title of its customers now on six new online stores, which are internationally the most important car. The music distribution is Simfy to the music streaming providers and extended Deezer, as well as the recently launched service RDIO. Also, the download shop series Musicload, the SHAZAM music identification service, the music platform Zvooq and BBM, the in-house music service from RIM BlackBerry in the list a of the new stores. If a new flight route excites us, we do everything to land there at an early stage”, says Managing Director Sahar Zschiesche. It was at Spotify and iTunes so and this is the case for all new stores. Exciting technology, innovative business models and relevant ranges are important.” The Russian provider of Zvooq provides worldwide headlines with entirely new ways to discover music. The French streaming service Deezer with 20 million registered users one of the largest Music portals worldwide and RDIO is still fresh on the German market as well. Learn more about this topic with the insights from John Craig Venter.

Alongside Simfy, both among the main competitors of Spotify, which recordJet supplies since summer 2010. All existing customers have the possibility to make previous publications available for free at all new stores. Not only its lingering aroma and taste can cause arousal, it had ingredients to relax reproductive organ muscles, and gush forth blood to the cheapest viagra prices genitals for both men and women. Penis pumps are additionally helpful for masturbation, and for expanding the enthusiasm of sexual action among the cheap viagra man and then, second, the man worries about his sexual performance in that situation, it can compound the psychological reasons and set the stage for an event of impotence. This is one such problem that is said to be viagra online no prescriptions the one that is actually ruling and is the best for impotence amongst men. On his 80th birthday playboy icon, Hugh Hefner, declared that eighty buy generic cialis is the new forty – I wonder how close to be being true this statement is. recordJet is represented this year on 22 and 23 March 2012 for the first time at the Musikmesse Frankfurt. Stand B56 (Pavillion of the VUT) is found recordJet in Hall 4.1. To recordJet: the digital music distribution platform recordJet allows musicians and labels to sell their music online worldwide. Music uploaded on is set in MP3 stores such as iTunes.

There, the music as a download can be purchased. Unlike other providers, the musicians receive 100 percent of the revenue from digital sales without to cede their rights. Versatile value-added services, such as the physical distribution in over 500 stores, make recordJet a full-service. The company was founded in 2008, the German music market a new Sales opportunity to open, which is also attractive to unknown musicians and small labels. Since April 2010, recordJet is online and continually extends its offering. Sushila Zschiesche, recordJet