When the human resources department developed, along with the heads of other departments, they attended the Annual Training Programme of the company. faces a mandatory phase development underlying the success of programs to develop over the year. But the surprise is that to complete the program detects that there are problems or difficulties in the development of the sessions. What happened? Is it that students were not motivated? , Does not leave exhibitor understand?, “The times were not adequate?. In some organizations consider the processes of training as a waste of time and money. The easiest is to hire people who know the issues that should dominate the worker in his office, rather than teaching people who are partly or completely outdated. But there is a risk to “withdraw” from the company once assimilated the knowledge and drive to practice the main points of their work. But this is not the fault of the formation process, these organizations exist in a climate harmful, difficult cohabitation between the objectives of the worker and the company. In important anyway responsible for the area known as human resources, we must do to achieve a successful training of staff.
1. – Phases mandatory training’s success not only depends on the completion of its four phases. Do not start any training program without first having considered the training needs and have identified specific objectives to be achieved. Then the program must be designed considering the basic principles of learning ** The third stage is to choose the training method. Finally, evaluating the program to determine whether they have achieved their objectives. a 2. – The environment supervisors, peers and organizational policies create a climate that helps or hinders the transfer of learning to the job.
a ** Fundamental Principles have been learning to set goals before beginning a program which will help direct the effort and motivate employee. The use of models or deferential and active practice are also important elements in learning. For teaching a new task has to choose between the aggregated approach, which teaches the task completely without dividing into sub-tasks, the unbundled approach, which divides the task into sub tasks, or the progressive method, which teaches a component of and then adds another task while the previous practice. The best method depends on the task, that must decide if it is taught in one session or sessions spread. Of course, the participant feedback is also necessary with quote: Mon Degree in Organizational Psychology and business management administration