Digital Formats for Great Listening

In each of these stages is essential to hear the full album and every detail very carefully, until you are satisfied with the result before moving on to the next stage (it is advisable to use quality headphones.) Stage 1: Transfer to digital format. The objective at this stage is to make a play as clean as possible for each LP record when on the computer. This will save us further cleanup work in digital format and achieving a higher quality end result. If the disc is very dirty, will need to soak it in water with a drop of dish-washing and let one or two hours. This will release the dirt. From time to time, sweeping the disc in the direction of the groove, with a soft brush and rinse the disk in the cleaning solution.

If the label you want to keep the water must be protected with polyethylene or other waterproof material attached with adhesive tape. The process of washing with water and detergent does not damage the vinyl. If the disc is in good condition, a formula that works well is as follows: 65% distilled water, ethyl alcohol 30%, 5% isopropyl and a few drops of liquid detergent. Alcohol should be pure, industrial type, without any additive. To clean the disc can be rotated on the turntable and wipe with a soft brush dipped in the solution. Finally dry with paper towels. In both cases the disc allow to dry for at least an hour, or better yet, all day. It is not advisable to touch the disk wet.

Apparently this technique appears useful for reducing the friction of the needle and reduce background noise, it produces more harm than good in the vinyl because it spreads the dirt in the groove and then play it always wet need to sound acceptable. The adjustments necessary to record from the stereo to the PC are simple. The cable from the stereo (connected to the output tape record) must be connected to the Line-In sound card (input light blue). You must configure the Windows mixer for audio input (double-click the speaker icon in the bottom right of the screen).

Once you open the audio mixer window, open the Options menu – Properties, select Recording and mark the check box Line-in volume controls chosen. Ensure that the Line-in box is selected. Reopen the sound mixer and make sure that check box Line-in option is dumb but no sound coming to the PC. Adjust the input volume to about 70%. With these adjustments we can record from the stereo. For this purpose any basic software for sound recording serve. The file must be in WAV format, 16 bit, 44100 Hz CD quality. It is desirable that the recording is in one file and change the hard side, press pause and then resume recording. This will allow us later to apply digital filters to the entire LP, not track by track. It is recommended not to save the MP3 file compressed as this be reduced because of the sound quality is lost in compression. If you want to save space compress it into a non-destructive as FLAC or APE. This first part of the process is simple and requires no experience to achieve good results. To eliminate the CILSS, pops and background noise of the LP will require a bit more skill that will be acquired with practice. So let them keep these recordings and as a backup because it is very likely that, after more knowledgeable and willing to return to process these files for best results.