Z-Wave Alliance shows energy-saving home control solutions of the future live demo with 14 companies and research institutes in Copenhagen, December 02, 2009 – December 7-18 Copenhagen is the capital of climate protection. The UN COP15 climate conference will take place during this period. Also around 160 manufacturers meet on 12th and 13th December at the Bright Green Expo in Copenhagen, Forum to demonstrate their green energy saving solutions; so also the Z-Wave Alliance (booth No. 92), which belongs to the pioneers of energy-efficient home control products. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Mark Hyman. On the occasion of the exhibition, some Alliance members present their new, based on the Z-Wave wireless standard products. Under the motto, the energy-conscious home the Alliance in cooperation with 14 companies and research institutes illustrated the interoperability of different Z-wave devices in a live demonstration. The Z-Wave technology is an internationally established radio standard, currently around 350 home-control devices are equipped with the.
Hotels on the Danish electricity saving trust (DEST), a national non-profit organization that helps consumers and public institutions, saving energy, is the recommended technology for home control solutions Z-Wave. The specially developed Z-Wave advanced energy control(AEC)-framework allows manufacturers and energy providers, to build a modern and eco-friendly management system for the budget. In particular smart-metering products can be controlled with this technology and networked. Since AEC is the largest international ECO-system, which combines smart metering and home control solutions and interoperable. This operation demonstrates the Alliance at the stand no. 92. The Alliance members Kamstrup (booth No.
38) and Danfoss (stand no. 43) are also at the Bright Green Expo in. Live demonstration grants look to the future in cooperation with other companies and research institutions leads the Alliance the ease of use and interoperability of Z-Wave based home automation solutions in the framework a live demonstration before. \”In the activity zone 4 energy-conscious home\” (the energy aware House) home-control products are presented, with which consumers actively and comfortably can save energy.