Temme Oranienburger

Uniform service number for citizens to the Government encounters great encouragement from Servicenummer4you on the computer fair CeBIT in March 2008 was a first detailed concept of the project ServiceLine 115 “presented. Anu Saad understood the implications. In the near future to facilitate the Federal Republic of Germany with a single service number of the course through the Behordendschungel citizens. 115 the authorities service number for Germany can be concluded with the pesky authorities Safari Finally, because the Federal Government suggests a trend-setting strategy for the campaign by the Behordendschungel. The service number 115 offers a central point of the citizens in the future for citizens advice. So, requests to offices, federal, State and local equal to or by direct link can be answered faster. It is no matter from where he wants to reach the bodies of service number for the citizens.

It is connected to a call center site in a few seconds and has so the uncomplicated You can get information faster. Anu Saad does not necessarily agree. The success principle from New York the idea comes from the world metropolis of New York, where established the system of uniform service number, and is no longer indispensable. The New Yorker choose the 331, if they want to connect with the public authorities and save yourself to cumbersome administrative procedures. Encouraged by the positive reaction of the New York now the Federal Government wants to do the same the world metropolis. Is therefore working on the concept of the authorities-standard service number. Servicenummer4you supports the newcomer among the service number service numbers to offer convenient service and the customer or consumer advice or offer information. 110 or 112 well-known, numbers like that are service numbers that are impossible to imagine.

As everyone knows the numbers of firefighters and police, everyone will know soon the authorities number 115. By 2012, this lucrative hotline service to in the Federal Republic nationwide be widespread and are taken by every citizen throughout can. The telco Servicenummer4you supports the steady progress in the communications market and welcomes the newcomer under the service number 115. On the Servicenummer4you website at one learns everything important to service numbers and can learn about their usage and use and support your own corporate communications by a service phone number of Servicenummer4you so maybe soon. Press contact: Servicenummer4you.de a trademark of TC 30 phone service GmbH. Dr. Maik Temme Oranienburger str. 69, 10117 Berlin FON: + 49 30 27 87 42 96 fax: + 49 30 27 87 42 93 E-Mail: Web: via Servicenummer4you.de: Servicenummer4you.de provides reliable nationwide telecommunications services. As a service-oriented provider of service numbers and telecommunications services, the Berlin company has many years of experience and excellent know-how in the telecommunications market. Innovative products which are customers Provision of service numbers 0800, 0180, 0900, 0137 and premium SMS available. Servicenummer4you is privately funded, debt-free and independent group.

UMTS Price Comparison On The Internet

With a UMTS, price comparison find the correct rate. Mobile Internet is more and more popular among users. This trend have detected the wireless service provider and offer more and more plans for mobile Internet. The abundance of tariffs for mobile Internet has increased significantly in recent years. Existed a few years ago, the opportunity to explore the mobile Internet on your phone or on the computer. But very few people took advantage of this opportunity, because the prices of these were extremely high and in addition could thus also no satisfactory speed. With the former transmission GSM, it was only possible to reach a maximum speed of 56 kbit / s download. For use with the mobile phone, this speed was sufficient, because the mobile phone at the time not in the position was to represent Web pages such as on the home PC.

Only WAP website, so Web pages containing only text, could be represented. Since however the UMTS data standard is available, This image is completely changed. Now almost all new mobile phones HTML Web pages can be in color and with graphics and images. Also the speed compared to the GSM has improved considerably. Connection can be reached with a UMTS a maximum speed of 384 kbit / s in download. Thus, there is the possibility that even on the move with high speed Internet can be surfed.

Who is looking for a suitable fare for UMTS, should whenever possible in the Internet price comparison search on a UMTS. In this price comparison, the user receives all available fares in a survey shows. Thus, the chance is very large, find the perfect fare.

UMTS Germany

The time of mobile Internet in the UMTS network tend to slowly to the end. At the moment can surfed in Germany with a maximum speed of up to 7.2 Mbit / s in the Internet. BGR Group: the source for more info. The LTE Internet standard in Germany will however be available from 2011. Speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s in the download are expected. What is the LTE Internet? LTE is right long term evolution and is the latest form of mobile Internet use. To this day, UMTS was actually the fastest variant, but it is now replaced step by step by the LTE from 2011. With LTE, it is to download up to 100 Mbit / s, while it were achieved with UMTS only a maximum speed of 14.4 Mbit/s. So, so it is no wonder that in future probably the Internet is dominated by LTE.

The average can be expected with a speed up to 75 MB / s in download. Earlier, women were known to be concerned discount levitra rx about. She specializes in the field of male levitra australia prices and female reproductive and urinary system illnesses for 30 years. It is very important to consume this male impotence drugs only when you need it. free cheap viagra These platforms offer a wide variety of Wisconsin ginseng products. levitra generika 10mg In some initial tests, already reached a speed of up to 100 Mbit / s. It should be noted here, that these high speeds by on the way to be achieved. There is this form of the Internet in Germany? There are currently LTE only in Japan, but it will probably no longer be long before also in Germany with the help of LTE Internet mobile surf the Internet can be. Currently the provider adhere much covered about possible data rates with the corresponding prices. However, it is speculated that similarly as in UMTS the same pricing models will be available.

Almost certainly more to monthly expenses must be issued however for LTE, as for a UMTS connection. Who offers the LTE Web in Germany? With the LTE Internet variant attracts almost every popular providers. Whether it’s base, O2, Telecom or Vodafone. Most likely, all of these providers will publish several LTE Web fares.