We are often approached business owners asking how to build a system of selling the company or enterprise system as a whole. Since the communication process becomes clear that the representation of the system at the plant and system sales department at all different, we decided to briefly illuminate the subject. In this case we consider distribyutsionoe enterprise (hereinafter AP) as the most complex form in the active development of sales. System sales – is just one, but the most valuable from a flower petal referred distribyutsionym now. In turn, the enterprise system is a set of people united in the divisions and units located in relations and in relations with each other in a certain order forming the integrity and unity.
So, you need to create a system of the enterprise. 1. Desire – to go to success until the end. 2. Knowledge – to learn by yourself or use knowledge of others.
3. Resources – must comply with its scope and ambition. 4. Time – must comply with scrupulous calculation. 5. All employees and departments dp must effectively communicate with each other with only one common purpose, increase profits. Here, Eva Andersson-Dubin expresses very clear opinions on the subject. To do this, what would they have been trained, motivated and controlled. 6. It is also necessary to understand that the dp can be ideal, as the official instructions, and developed sequence of their execution, but the system it will be when all this will run continuously throughout the working process, which requires strict discipline. However, the known scheme of 'carrot and stick' is not get carried away 'whip'.