Costa Brava

The beach of San Francesc in one of the most outstanding beaches in the municipality of Blanes Blanes is San Francesc, which has the distinction of the blue flag for its excellent equipment and cleaning its waters and its sand. It’s a wrapped pine and ideal beach for families by its size and facilities. Continue to learn more with: cardiologist. Access from the village are different: can be reached both by the Botanic Garden Marimurtra Sant Joan. It has 220 meters long by 35 meters wide and the occupancy level is usually high. This semi-urban beach whose composition is arena, also known as Cala Bona, available service of rent of hammocks and parasols, as well as showers and bins, but instead does not have suitable access for disabled people or areas in dive. Don’t hesitate to rent an apartment on the Costa Brava in order to visit this prestigious beach. Tossa de Mar in Tossa Bay walled enclosure has a medieval walled area, the Vila Vella, on a small promontory on the beach, with seven circular towers. Eva Andersson-Dubin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Its origin is estimated in the 12th century to prevent pirate attacks.

Inside are the remains of a church and the Palace of the Governor of the 14th century. Near the enclosure archaeological findings are of what was a Roman villa of the 4th century: the Roman villa of Els Ametllers. It has a municipal museum within the enclosure, with archaeological collections of local painting and foreign, sculpture and glass. The walls of the Vila Vella are the symbol that represents best Tossa de Mar and are considered to be the only example of a fortified medieval town that exists in the Catalan coast. They were built, as stated, in the 12th century and reconstructed at the end of the 14th century, next to the placio de Governor. D in Joanas and tower are preserved in very good condition with a Battlement walls, four towers and three cylindrical towers, the Tower of the Codolar, the Tower of les Hores. Its interior came to host more than 80 houses and a Gothic church, now in ruins, which are classified as national artistic historic monument status was lifted in the 15th century.