Scientific Council

Institutional accreditation of the SRH management-Hochschule in Berlin Berlin, July 13, 2009 to the carried out institutional accreditation of the SRH University Berlin by the Science Council explains Prof. Dr. Rita Sussmuth, President of the University in Berlin: SRH Hochschule Berlin teaches and researches by recognized scientific standards, hands-on, intensive mentoring of for students and project studies guarantee the professional graduates of the College to a large extent. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. usually is spot on. “The Science Council has expressly confirmed this with its decision of July 10, 2009: it manages the SRH Hochschule Berlin in an appropriate manner, their graduates and alumni on tasks in the national and international management in the corporate communication to prepare.” practical training and good supervision have been praised specifically. This is a nice confirmation of our claim to offer an alternative to crowded auditoriums at public universities”, SRH CEO Prof. Klaus Hekking. The SRH Hochschule Berlin offers three accredited management courses and is aligned with double degree according to the Bologna process international. “” In the Bachelorbereich the courses are Economics Business Administration “(german/English), as well as communication management” (german).

In the master section will study international strategic management”offered in English. Talented and performance-motivated young people from all social classes offered University of Berlin on the SRH a study with high individual support, intensive practice orientation and good job placement. For a successful career in a globalized economic and working environment of central importance is the fact of a culturally and socially diverse student body. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City and gain more knowledge.. With a share of over 40 percent of foreign students and those with a migrant background, internationality and interculturality profile forming for the SRH are University of Berlin. The offered bilingual courses in the Management area greatly increase the active exchange with partner institutions in Dublin, Istanbul and Paris, allowing a double degree. About the SRH University Berlin: SRH Hochschule Berlin in 2002 took up teaching.

“” There are State-recognized and accredited business Bachelor degree courses of the fields of business administration “in information and communication management” as well as the master’s programme offered “International Strategic Management”. The economic studies can be studied both in German and in English, the master’s programme in English only. The overarching profile of higher education in these three courses based on individual care, project and practical orientation and internationality. The study of Berlin with its many universities and research institutions provides the ideal basis for the encounter of studying, teaching and research in international format.

Sabine Freiberger

The escort coach Vanessa Eden helps aspiring escort ladies who want to be successful in the escort service Berlin. The field for beginners in the escort service is wide and confusing. tly different approach. Precisely for this reason Vanessa received Eden requests after her television appearances often by women, as they could be the best in foot escort service Berlin. At this time, consultations by prospective escort Berlin with Vanessa Eden held Studio Egoistin in Bayreuth in their lifestyle. Due to changes in private and professional she closed the doors of the studios, so difficult to exert was acting as escort-coach. This brought Vanessa Eden on the idea their whole knowledge on a website as a free Publishing Guide. Vanessa Eden itself is increased from the erotic escort service Berlin and only more than serious escort service Munich en route. Vanessa Eden: “I was long most think about what I should do with the escort coaching.” Just stop and the ladies, be successful in the escort service Berlin would sit on dry land can I also didn’t.

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Also the personal escort coaching included an image consulting, including style advice, makeup advice etc.” Some escort ladies, who want to go into the job, can check the so now free on the website. May has an or others Yes precisely decided the decision for the activity in the escort service in Berlin because she wants to earn money once and not again wants to give it out. It turns in Searches out, that even other agencies and communities of interest the escort coaching by Vanessa Eden for escort ladies offer concept – mostly, but for a fee. There seems to be demand for this type of coaching, if so many this would enrich indeed. Communication Office Freiberg & young Sabine Freiberger

Schwachel Phase Overcome – Graduates-index (BAI)

It goes up further. In the first quarter of 2008, the index rose minimally to 1 point. It continues up In the first quarter of 2008 the index rose minimally by 1 point. According to recently published OECD economic report has been so far held by the global turmoil in financial markets, euro appreciation and high oil prices, not strongly affected the real economy which”. This is sufficient, the index in the II.

quarter to make rise 8 points. Significant trends benefit especially graduates of computer science (+ 34) and law (+ 26) this summer from the economic development. Also strong growth are the areas of Economics and business (+ 20) and electrical engineering (+ 14). Civil engineers have a posts drop of 22 points, business information systems not quite so hard it hits with 12 points. The biologists/chemist with a decline of 41 points provide the strongest result change. The job of economics seems economics to recover again. The index recorded a plus out of 20 points. (A valuable related resource: Dr. Mark Hyman).

Hot courted specialists for accounting and controlling are currently. Total belongs this discipline to the forefront of the BAI II 2008 informatics the clear upward trend of the BAI in the area of using information technology to continue. You are the leader with an increase by 34 points in the quarter. You are now 307 total. A computer science degree offers always better job prospects. Compliant, the BITKOM industry association reported over 43,000 job vacancies in the IT sector, which are increasingly difficult to fill. Gemeindevorstand 25,000 jobs to the users area, for example, in mechanical engineering or automotive industry, 18,000 places to fill in information and telecommunications companies. Mechanical engineering in the otherwise so this mechanical engineers the job engine seems a little to weaken. Just by 342 to 345 points, the index creates it. This stands in contrast to messages the industry, that the predictions for sales growth of 5% for 2008 still have validity. Especially the export business run currently particularly well with double-digit growth rates. Electrical engineering with a level of 422 points reaches the electrical index an all-time high. Information according to the metal and electrical industry the industry is presently experiencing the largest job boom for 40 years. Despite the strong euro exchange rate the metal and electrical industry about a good order situation can look forward. The job offer should therefore remain on course for growth.