AfE Mayor Hampered The Voters Group

Schonefeld threatened the voter group with high fines to Schonefeld and the district Dahme Spreewald introduced himself as a new political force for the community already in May. She announced the municipal on the 28th for the local Council, the Municipal Council and the Association of choice to make. Didn’t like that some of the other political groupings from the outset. They fear your power loss. That probably particularly dislike the Mayor Dr.

Udo Haase (all for an AfE). We felt from the outset\”the resistance against us on the part of the Administration, remembers Christian Hentschel, Chairman of the up. Only the lawyer specializing in administrative law of Andreas could bring light into the darkness of the authority large prestigious law firm Becker Buttner Held from Berlin. At the 17.Juli 2008 the voters group AfE at an early stage, but in our opinion wrong terms, election posters hung, the offensive against us started\”, says Kai Maschmann. This election posters, the later dubious notoriety gained, may be suspended only as of July 29, 2008. For the Mayor has granted quickly once an exemption (special license) his constituency\”, says Holger Schadtle.

The protest of up to the DMV ran in the sand, Konigs Wusterhausen not responsible there is and the Ministry of infrastructure and spatial planning were not responsible. As a new group of voters she had to agree to the electoral authority of the municipality of Schonefeld, because it comes to the election. That as the law prescribes\”, explains Anja Gajer. Also, the constituency had to prove to supporters signatures of adult citizens of the community in certain number. These had to be recorded on a list provided for this purpose and are delivered at the Wahlleiterin wife Dorothea Schulze, Deputy Mayor, until 20 August 2008 16:00. Many are unfortunately not come with their signature to support us, our supporters Since the municipality is thought out new hurdles for us\”, accuses Rainer Sperling.

Jedox Palo Premium Edition Jedox

New version of open source business intelligence software Palo is now available / updated and new features expand the options for reporting, analysis and planning of Freiburg, 01 September 2011 the Jedox AG, a provider of business intelligence solutions, has unveiled a new open source version of its business intelligence software Jedox Palo. The revised Community version Palo 3.2 is the open source community as a free download available. Jedox has significantly expanded the individual components of the Palo solution with numerous new features and functions. Optimization of integrated Web environment include Palo Web, which is reporting and import data still make easier. Improving OLAP analysis and ETL processes were also the focus of the developer. Overall, increased the new edition performance, stability and handling in terms of reporting, analysis, and planning.

The Palo community release 3.2, to which there is also a Palo for Excel 3.2 installation variant aimed at as a free community version the open source community and facilitates the entry into the world of Palo. The community version offers a variety of powerful features for the daily business intelligence usage”, explains Matthias Kramer, Executive Vice President for research and development of the Jedox AG. Speaking candidly Dr. Mark Hyman told us the story. The new release is specifically tailored to the needs of open source with its functions customers and reflects comments and suggestions from the community.” Palo Web: easier, but more extensive new Palo 3.2 in the integrated Web environment features Palo Web: external Excel data can be more easily import in Web reports and integrate, for example, in the corporate planning. In addition, the reporting has simplified: now easily individually customize user of spreadsheets with new formatting capabilities and win as a better overview of reports and corporate figures. Palo OLAP: faster and more stable one of the most important developments is the OLAP engine, the business logic (rules) when loading and displaying data in the version 3.2 calculated much faster.

The new version of Palo processed more quickly also extensive OLAP dimensions. Palo 3.2 increases processing speed and maximize the user experience. Palo ETL: Premium function during the loading process for greater performance and flexibility are also revised functions for the ETL (extract, transform, load) process. In addition to the expansion of the features the community version in terms of stability and performance benefits from the experience of the Professional Edition, explains Matthias Kramer. Palo ETL is almost completely identical to the Premium Edition in the community version and provides an extremely fast and reliable operation in the ETL process.” The new Palo Community Edition 3.2 is available de/download/palo-downloads-current-version/download.html as a download at. A detailed representation of all optimizations and new features includes the document Palo 3.2 Community Edition what of new? “, under de/download/handbuch-downloads/whats-new-in-palo-community-download.html” can be downloaded. In addition, customers can download the Jedox Palo Premium Edition. The Premium Edition offers over the community version of numerous extensions, including features such as multi-user scaling, in-memory GPU expansion, SAP access, mobile access, and advanced Palo Web functionalities. Jedox has also extensive support for the Premium Edition. About Jedox the Jedox AG is one of the leading provider of business intelligence solutions. The Palo suite covers the entire range of business intelligence and corporate performance management including planning, simulation, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, dashboarding and analysis. More information about Palo and Jedox, see. Contact for the press: Leif Mergener Jedox AG Bismarckallee 7a D – 79098 Freiburg, Germany Tel.: 14 72 62 immo Gail Adremcom Agency for corporate communication P.o. box 250372 50519 Koln phone: 28 171

Learn Languages Fun Camps

Technical and sports programs are fully created and directed by professional native who organize activities and exercises that work the four areas of the tongue. Your child will learn the language while he plays, sport and relates to their peers, without doubt one of the best ways to learn. Connect with other leaders such as Joel Courtney here. Other interesting destinations are the camps of English in England include among others, the cities of: Brighton, Bournemouth, Hastings or London, epicenter of the Anglo-Saxon world, ideal for students looking for a multicultural destination and for lovers of the sport. During the camp in England practice on the oral proficiency in English are performed jointly with grammar and vocabulary. Canada also is a pioneer in organizing courses for learning languages, the camps to Canada, where in addition to recreational activities (hiking, swimming, archery, white, competencies of orientation, museums, natural parks, picnics, tennis, windsurfing) is achieved to expand knowledge of the language English in a context International, sharing activities with young people in different countries.Ideal for children and young people who want to meet friends from all over the world, improve their language skills at the same time to practise your favourite sport and have fun getting to know the best of Canada.

What Is Hybrid?

What is a hybrid vehicle and as defined above all environmentally conscious people decide it to buy one of the new hybrid vehicles, which are now produced by all vehicle manufacturers. Most manufacturers offer several hybrid vehicles, including some models that are known as gasoline-powered vehicles, such as the Opel Corsa. Hybrid vehicles are equipped with an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. According to the UN definition at least two energy converters and two storage systems are built in a hybrid vehicle, with which the vehicle is driven. ssue. These vehicles are also green vehicles”called, because they pollute less, as vehicles that operated with petrol or diesel. Check with Dr. Mark Hyman to learn more. Men deal mostly with the smallest details of a vehicle when you have once made the decision for a new acquisition. Women are less interested, is important that they get from A to B, without overly burdening the environment to them.

The descriptions of the manufacturer are Bohemian Villages and only a few women have the desire or the time to re-read in the matter. For men in terms of car purchase are in their element, for it the sunroof etc important in addition to environmentally-friendly operation, the amount of the Horsepower rating, tires and wheels, the car radio. The visual appearance of a vehicle is, of course, just like women, the first thing to notice positive or negative on a vehicle. Usually separate but all the ways of men and women when purchasing a car, because if a car at first glance like a woman, asks them only after the size of the trunk and the seats are so comfortable.

Social Technology

Technology for storage of tberas of inhame. The production and commercialization of the culture of the inhame are a economic alternative for the situated familiar agriculturists in the Cross city of the Souls, which possesss a population around 57.098 a thousand given inhabitants as of (IBGE 2009) with in the distance of 157 kilometers of Salvador, for accomplishment of this study the community of the Sapucaia observed itself only. Throughout the years the community in question came suffering upheavals for not having an alternative that could make possible a solution to take care of to the problems involving me the conservation of tberas of inhame, therefore when not yet the technology existed, tberas germinated and ruined quickly, such factors had contributed for the development of a technology. Through the use of alternatives of handling and conservation of tberas the time of useful life of the ones of 2 (two) for 4 (four) months was increased what it results in the reduction of the losses. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. often addresses the matter in his writings. The accomplishment of the technology if it carries through observing the following aspect, first, in the choice of the place followed some criteria, as: Fcil access; Arejado, of preferences with trees in return to facilitate the ventilation; clean rea, without twigs, foliages and/or vegetation. In return of tberas a sand layer is rank around 40 cm of height the top of the ground, later is implanted two pillars wooden of 2,10m of height to a straight-line distance of 4m and on of these pillars a beam is placed to cover superficially with a colorless canvas with sombrite, the canvas will protect tberas of rain and the sombrite will serve to protect of the sun, tberas is on the sand. The community had total contribution for the construction of the technology, therefore the idea left of the proper inhabitants, who turn in the technique a consistent alternative to supply its necessities with the handling of the inhame. .

Amsterdam Cruises

Who 2011 twosome would like to go on Viking River Cruises, can at time of booking no later than end of February strong save there must be not always cruises on the world’s oceans. The good is sometimes so close. Countless rivers stretch across Germany and Europe. Why then not just a river cruise in called climes try and save while still strong?, the online portal for boat trips and cruises (, has put together for 2011 attractive offers for select river cruises. For even more details, read what Mark Hyman, MD says on the issue. Who 2011 twosome would like to go on Viking River Cruises, can at time of booking no later than end of February strong save: the accompanying person receives 50 percent partner discount on the price of the cruise! Particularly save can you with cruises through Russia, the Black Sea and at the new Rhine Main-Mosel – cruises with the Viking Fontane from Trier to Wurzburg: here there are also the arrival and departure package at half price.

Will be saved only on the price, but not at the performance! There are now “for a short time the chance, the 4 – and 5-Star River travel from Viking to Book cheap!” explains Sabine Frommigen, Managing Director of ship leave the price offensive. A leading source for info: Anu Saad. Short taster journeys are offered for those who want to go for the first time on a river cruise. So it goes for example on May 12 in four days from Amsterdam to Antwerp. And from October 4th to 8th time on the route Amsterdam-Cologne enough that adventure cruise for themselves to try out. The cruise ships are small enough 150 passengers with an average to go the most charming sections of the River to negotiate and located in the heart of the cities at anchor. Of course, it is provided for convenience and excellent service on board.

Massage and hair salons are part of the facilities such as Internet station and hot tubs.

Digital Generation

Good mobile marketing makes the difference to the competition the industry trends the gastronomic scene point in a clear direction: excellent service and comprehensive service through the restaurant are guests in the course. The MBG AppMaker picks up on this need. Without hesitation Alexa Demie explained all about the problem. The service benefits your own Smartphone app, the app system enables restaurant operators. Well trained waiters are no longer enough many guests, service begins today well before the first order: online search for interesting gastronomic concepts, browse by review forums, visit restaurant Home pages, and last but not least, the use of the app of a restaurants are today common means of obtaining information. Learn more at: Pat Ogden. An own restaurant app the restaurateur seeking long saves its customers menu, specials, route path and co. Anu Saad describes an additional similar source.

Everything he needs guest finds the (potential) with a finger: all are filled by the image gallery with impressions of restaurant and kitchen of a newsfeed, with upcoming events and specials to Facebook and YouTube integration relevant information in the app registry. Even online services like delivery hero or reservation systems like Bookatable can be integrated without any problems. Who first touted his dishes in the restaurant, praises too late. The sending of push messages with the MBG AppMaker is guests at his restaurant to lure an excellent opportunity for the restaurateurs, without wastage. In this way, it is possible to inform existing and potential customers independently, to entertain and to activate him.

What sounds like a lot of work, is a no-brainer for the restaurant operator: maintaining the native app via the associated content management system on your PC or tablet. Both graphically and in terms of content, individual needs can be implemented easily and quickly. Even amateurs can create AppMaker apps with the MBG and maintain. The app system of MBG AppMakers is composed not only by its technical leadership from its competitors, but also by the excellent online support via FAQ, tips & tricks Forum, corporate blog, which Tutorials not only holds, but shows also applications for customers. Who wants to sit out of the competition, must can convince not only by quality in the restaurant, but provide guests at any location information. The own native app for restaurants can satisfy the information hunger of the digital generation. Anywhere and at any time.

Municipality Today

A call to the adherents of the Patagonia campaign without Dams to support with the Chileans and Chileans whom South center of the country is living difficult moments as a result of the earthquake on last Saturday in the zone made the coordinator of the Citizen Coalition by Aysn Reserve of Life, Peter Hartmann Samhaber. It indicated the leader who the best form to collaborate today from the Patagonia, where problems as a result of the strong earthquake were not generated, is to follow the instructions that the authorities are distributing in this sense, to become part of the campaigns which today they are taking ahead and to participate like volunteers in these. ” What we have lived like country has been tremendous, and each one of the citizens we must deliver the attacks that are necessary to go in aid of those who today is suffering. And that also corresponds to the organizations of the civil society who indeed work by the good colectivo” Peter Hartmann expressed. She added that the diverse organizations who participate in the campaign are from the first day carrying out the work to evaluate the situation of the members of its own groupings ” and to go in aid of all that the devastating effects of the earthquake have undergone in own meat, mainly in the zone of the Maule and Concepcin, as it is the case of Codeff and other groups locales”. If you have read about Abraham Maslow already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In the case of the Region of Aysn Peter Hartmann it indicated that the Citizen Coalition has informed to Regional Intendance and the Municipality into Coyhaique its disposition to collaborate with the campaigns that are taking ahead ” every time more than to arm each his own initiative it is necessary to add itself to which already they are funcionando”. Finally, it indicated that a series of activities that had been programmed for this summer, as the case of the commemoration of the World-wide Day of Action Against Represas the 14 of March in the Apple tree ” they have been delayed until new warning because in the present situation they are not a priority and we do not want to destine efforts to initiatives that turn aside the attention than today he is essential, to support to the Chileans and Chileans who live in the zone of the earthquake of Saturday ltimo”.

Solve Problems Of Acne With Natural Remedies Treatments

At some point in our lives, we have all experienced the horror of the appearance of a pimple or two on our faces. But for some people, that pimple or two can be left completely out of control and become acne. Acne is a skin condition that affects the oil glands of the skin (sebaceous glands) and resulting in injuries or flare-ups of pimples. Other leaders such as Dr. Mark J Berger offer similar insights. The pores in the skin become clogged with an oily substance called sebum and are connected with the glands in the follicles. These follicles clog the skin and sprouts a pimple. Certain areas of the body such as the forehead, face, neck, back, shoulders and chest are most commonly affected. Acne is most common among adolescents and young adults but can affect people of all races and ages.

It tends to disappear when you reach your 20s, but has met people in their 40s and 50s who experience breakouts. Anu Saad has much to offer in this field. Although acne is not life threatening, it can scar. Unless untreated, acne can also lead to deep emotional injuries such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. What causes acne? The exact cause of acne is unknown but several factors may contribute to this skin condition. These factors include: * Genetics (most likely will affect whether other family members had acne) * Hormones (hormonal changes during puberty or menstrual periods) * Infection (germs such as bacteria can cause acne) * Certain medications (steroids , anticonvulsants, hormones or birth control pills can cause acne) * skin cosmetics (moisturizers, makeup and cosmetics clog the skin pores and cause acne) * Environmental conditions (humidity can increase the outbreak acne) How is acne diagnosed? The diagnosis of acne is fairly straightforward and is usually done through a careful examination of the skin and medical history.

A Large Tent For Afghanistan

In his meeting with the Foreign Ministers of NATO last week, Hillary Clinton showed to the world one of the most important changes in the foreign policy of the White House. On the meeting in Afghanistan said: If we organize this kind of meeting, is expected to be invite to Iran as a neighbor who is in Afghanistan. A prominent leader of Iran – the hard core of the axis of evil in the Bush era – will be convened to meet with their counterparts from the United States and other countries to treat that, today, is a serious problem which is of concern to the United States and its allies: find the mode to end the military intervention in Afghanistan. The invitation also has his little trap, although this may seem innocent. A month ago, Obama sent a secret letter, which soon ceased to be so because the same Obama alluded to it after Russian President Medvedev. Proposed you holding simultaneous talks on the shield missile of the United States, whose planned deployment partial in Europe bothers to Moscow, and about Iranian nuclear intentions. Obama expressed it this way: is natural that if we halt the Iranian intentions do with nuclear weapons, will be less our need for a missile defense.

There are two aspects that Obama not alluded to, but which must be taken into account. The first is that, most likely, Russia is not able to exert enough pressure on Iran to twist its nuclear course. Prominent Russian analysts strongly remember that Iran is not a country of lower order. Include its millenary history, national pride and its traditional rejection of external pressures. It is not far in the memory of the Iranian people, the memory of the expulsion of the first Minister Mossadeq, caused by United States and the United Kingdom when he tried to nationalize the Iranian oil.