Uniform Conditions

Private – and patients – equality in the waiting room waiting for the appointment and in the waiting room are hardly indispensable for legally insured. Much better the private patients cut off there, what is a study of the health insurance fund by the spring of 2009. Health Minister Ulla Schmidt is now demanding a quicker appointment and a uniform tariff regardless of insurance status. The private-krankenversicherung.de Internet portal to inform this seemingly utopian perspective. Cardiologist has many thoughts on the issue. The feasibility of this project is questionable.

After all, come seven million to eight million privately insured legally insured. And these are handled under always schelchteren conditions. A related site: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE mentions similar findings. This included about the shrinking budgets for medicinal and pharmaceutical products, which are used on most long before the end of the quarter. This forces the doctors to the appointment in the next quarter. Also the unequal delays come as no surprise.

According to information (www.private-krankenversicherung.de/ information /) by TNS healthcare private patients for acute problems waiting for only 3 days a Date, while the legally insured can visit the surgery only after eight days. The periods of time for appointments without urgent concerns are even more extreme. Patients must wait here 26 days for an appointment, Privatpatien only 12 days. The same is true in the waiting rooms: 29 minutes patients be called seven minutes later as the private patients. The goal to introduce uniform waiting times is already so difficult, as covered in the event of sickness must present a medical certificate to their employer. Therefore they more often go to the doctor even if no treatment is needed. In contrast to appear privately insured not only rare at the doctor, but also 35 percent bring in more fees. More information: news.private-krankenversicherung.de/… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Perhaps Infection

Erysipelas (St. Anthony's fire) – the acute, often recurrent infection, which manifests itself by fever, symptoms of intoxication and a characteristic skin lesions with the formation of sharply limited the focus inflammation. This widespread streptococcal infection with sporadic disease, increasing in summer and autumn. The prevalence in the modern structure of infectious disease erysipelas took 4 th place – after acute respiratory and intestinal infections, viral hepatitis, most often recorded in older age groups. Approximately 1 / 3 are patients with recurrent erysipelas, mainly women. Face can cause any serovar beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus, the same serotypes can cause other streptococcal disease (angina, pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis, etc.). In addition, streptococci are widely distributed in nature, to environmental conditions it is quite stable. The source of infection when Roger is sick from any form of streptococcal infection or streptokokkonositel.

Celebrated a special election or the susceptibility predisposition to face. Some people get sick repeatedly, as the immunity after the faces unstable. Streptococci penetrate into the body through small skin lesions and mucous membranes. Perhaps exogenous infection (Contaminated instruments, dressings), and a chronic streptococcal infection foci (eg in patients with chronic tonsillitis). In this crucial state of reactivity, obuslovlivayuschee wide variations in susceptibility to infectious pathogens, in particular streptococci. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, an internet resource.

Distinguish face primary, secondary and recurrent. Inflammatory process can be anywhere on the body, but often localized on the skin of the face and legs. On mucous membranes of erysipelas are rare. The symptoms of erysipelas erysipelas incubation period 2-7 days (usually 3-5 days), then maybe a few hours. Illness always begins acutely. General toxic syndrome is preceded by local changes. The rapid rise in temperature is accompanied by chills, shaking frequently. Revealed marked signs of intoxication – headphones pain, dizziness, weakness, nausea, possible vomiting. In severe cases, there may be convulsions and delirium. After 10-20 hours of onset of disease symptoms appear local. First, patients experiencing limited areas of itching, a feeling of sweating, contraction of the skin. Then, in these places appear swelling, pain, development of appropriate regional lymphadenitis. Typical plaque is a site saturated with bright erythema with irregular contours in the form of 'flames'. The inflammatory process extends to the subcutaneous fat, resulting in edema develops, particularly in the localization at sites with loose subcutaneous tissue (face, genitalia). Plaque is raised above the surrounding skin, as separated from the surrounding skin intact marginal ridges, with its center as it sinks. To touch the plaque dense, hot, painful on pressure. In some cases, this process can be limited, and a few days will leave a fine desquamation. However, most often without treatment process is progressing rapidly, there are so-called creeping or metastatic forms. At the same time there are complications of septic character. Local manifestations of erysipelas disappear in 10-14 day illness, can persist for a long time pastoznost and skin pigmentation. Fever usually lasts for 5-7 days. The most frequent complications of erysipelas can be noted ulcers, necrosis, abscesses, cellulitis, as well as violations of lymph circulation, leading to lindtostazu. Treatment possible only with prior consultation with a doctor – a surgeon or infectious disease.

STOP! The 5 Strains For Our Spine

Do you know the 5 most dangerous factors for problems of the spine and the back pain related? Almost every adult sometimes suffers from pain in your shoulder or cross. Mostly are the afflicted between 35 and 55 years old. No less than 85 percent of all parties concerned, no clear cause can be found. Many patients believe that the s-shaped is very sensitive. Therefore, they protect the back pain.

This behavior is understandable, but it is absolutely wrong for the health of your back. For the spine, there are five particularly bad factors. The extremely flexible spine absorbs our everyday movements. It would be very painful when the shocks when walking, running and jumping unsprung in the brain would arrive. In addition, the equilibrium organ in the ear could be disturbed.

This would then lead to disorientation and vision problems. The most common diseases are herniated, inflammatory Rheumatoid instability until the spondylolisthesis Diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis and deformities such as scoliosis. For all the diseases and pain, the question arises: what hurts the most his back? Factor laziness that used is grown tissue, leaving unused atrophied over time. Therefore, also applies to the back who does not burden him, weakens the muscles. Even the well-intentioned conservation challenged muscles and bones. Vertebral bones and cartilage are porous by lack of movement. The intervertebral discs can absorb liquid and nutrients through movement. The movement is also the nourishing fluid for the shock absorbers for the spine is missing. Experts believe that about 90 percent of all back pain on exercise habits are due. Laziness and conservation are poison for the back. Factor stress about 80 percent of people with back pain are the symptoms after two months go. The pain, however, is almost always the psyche plays a role.

Diabetes: Epidemic Diabetes

Diabetes is one who frequently is the diabetes mellitus diseases in Germany one of the most common diseases. The disease is so widespread and more and more children suffer from diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is not only known for the modern. There are first transmissions from ancient times. In the vernacular, the disease was called “Honeyed flow”.

For a diabetic, the sugar in the urine is excreted. So, the physician with a taste of urine could make a diagnosis. However, diabetes is no disease that suddenly there is, but is insidious and across developed over the years. The symptoms of diabetes do not occur in all patients, and so it is only difficult to see that he was diagnosed with the disease for the affected. The first signs of diabetes can be fatigue, itching, increased thirst and frequent urination.

Every patient can have a blood sugar test at a pharmacy. If the test shows high values, should you always see a doctor. Diabetes must always be treated and therefore should you looking rather sooner than later, a doctor. There are different heavy levels of diabetes and therefore different treatment methods. This we divided the diabetes in a certain type. That’s why there are also patients who come out without spraying. At an early stage, to reach with the right diet and exercise a lot. But, one thing is the same for all patients: they have to change their diet. Special recipes for diabetics can be found in sufficient numbers on the Internet or in various cookbooks. Also the food industry knows the problems of diabetics and has adjusted to the growing number of patients. Also extra products for diabetics, such as chocolate or Brotausfstriche can be found in most stores. Patients today have a much greater range than it was ten years ago. Of course even healthy people can eat the delicious meals, so that must not be cooked for the diabetics alone. Who would like to learn more about diabetes, can do this on the Internet or consult his physician. There are many Internet sites that deal with this topic and forums offer an exchange for sufferers and their families. Manni friend


Snuff addiction consisting of a dependence on the same which produces a poisoning of the body, which reduces the smoker’s health, encourages the development of disease and reduces the life expectancy of the smoking population. The smoker feels the urge to smoke by the values stimulant that produces snuff ingestion because nicotine stimulates the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline in the blood. Follow others, such as Sydney Sweeney, and add to your knowledge base. Quitting smoking is no easy task and that this leads to so-called withdrawal syndrome with a series of characteristic symptoms. Recent statistics reveal that every eight seconds someone dies from a disease associated with snuff consumption, addiction responsible for the majority of preventable deaths in the world. Around five million people die annually from smoking-related diseases.

The Effects of snuff snuff is a central nervous system stimulant that, however, produces relaxation addicts. Smoking increases the tolerance (it holds more) with the acute effects (dizziness, vomiting, sweating), one can see less and less. Statistics show that snuff is the leading cause of lung cancer, although of course there are other causes, such as industrial pollution. The snuff is also associated with cancers of the mouth and respiratory tract, without forgetting that other respiratory diseases (bronchitis, emphysema …) greater effect in smokers than in those who are not, especially when both are exposed to pollution industrial or urban. The evidence that smoking is a major health risk is overwhelming. So much so, according to the British Royal College of Physicians, each cigarette shortens the life of smoking more than five minutes. In the long term, affects mostly snuff bronchi pulmonary and cardiovascular systems that know so much about smoking as a risk factor for different diseases A review on smoking as a risk factor for many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, with In order to deepen on the harmful effects of this drug, and that all doctors are updated on the subject.

Try the magnitude of the problem, causing disease, active and passive smokers, prevention and recommendations. Several doctors reflected a few days ago about a substantial part of the world population dies at a young age because of their own, they neglect their habits and are uninformed or guide you what to do to ignore this advice. Think BEWARE! If you see any warnings related to the dangers of snuff with skepticism, surely some of you may have raised the following issues. It is normal that you do, but know that the answers I’m giving you are not opinions. For your wellbeing and that of yours, you will do well to consider these facts. “Life is a sexually transmitted disease, which begins with a sob and whose mortality is 100%.” However, our lifestyle is key for us to live longer and above all, for we can live better. Quitting smoking is one of the basic elements to improve our lifestyle and live more successfully. For more information visit – All the information we provide is general in nature, remember that this information alone can not replace the health care or human services you may need. Only provide a service and reference information, please consult your health care professional who treats you about any concerns you have about your own health.


Of course, we are proud to be able to introduce this success at the next CPhI in Frankfurt. Hyaluronidase Hyaluronidase: Is a hydrolytisches enzyme, which in its basic elements breaks down hyaluronic acid (D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) and the ability gives the substances to penetrate deeper into the tissue. It is therefore for example Hyaluronidase in high concentration in the mouth apparatus of leeches in the venom of scorpions, snakes, bees and various pathogenic micro-organisms such as pneumococci and streptococci. Simplified one could say, their function is, the substances, which transported them to disguise the protective mechanisms of organisms. Perhaps check out Apollo Proton Cancer Centre for more information. This property is the reason for the numerous important applications in the pharmaceutical industry, but also for the existing natural limitations, which are dictated by the usual extraction from potentially hazardous to the human organism substances (for example, with resulting risk known for a bovine spongiform encephalopathy, also called BSE’). The great progress achieved by the research of Fidia, is a recombinant Hyaluronidase with high safety profile of? to produce pathogenic micro-organisms. This Hyaluronidase by Fidia offers the same efficiency as that of a Hyaluronidase obtained by extraction; However, it is of higher purity, and without the risks associated with transmission of viruses. Female sexual dysfunction is the generic viagra 50mg inability of women of the same age. So, do not think of taking the medicine without visiting a healthcare provider. female levitra (Tadalafil) is one of the best ED (erectile dysfunction) drug available today. levitra (Tadalafil) was introduced as an erectile dysfunction treatment. Eat healthy and avoid fried, fatty and junk food, to stay fit and generic india levitra strong. There are uncountable reasons which are promoted generic tadalafil canada the erectile dysfunction treatment drugs and is mainly responsible for the curing effect. Hyaluronidase promises in addition as a carrier substance, that the uniform distribution and recording of with her connected agents favors, promoting advanced applications in diseases of high socio-economic importance (Oncology, diabetes, immune deficiency) as well as an optimization of the efficiency of gene therapies and the bioavailability of subcutaneously introduced biological medicinal products; This reduces the need for endo venous therapy. Microbiologia gathered all the information.

Some areas where Hyaluronidase can be used efficiently, are: in pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of Perniones, hemorrhoids, edema, localized inflammation and myocardial infarction; In addition to the local anesthetic in eye surgery; as part of the release system for transdermal drugs to encourage the recording of the organism; in cosmetic surgery to the containment of complications after wrinkle treatments, also with hyaluronic acid; in oncology to suppress the progression of tumour cells; in veterinary medicine as an addition of antibiotic solutions, for example for treating udder infections. About FIDIA Farmaceutici S.p.a.. Fidia Farmaceutici S.p.a.., an internationally recognized Italian company, develops, manufactures and markets innovative medicines, medical devices, and dietary supplements with a high added value, security and efficiency. The activities focus among others on diseases of the musculo-skeletal and tissue repair; in these areas the company is a worldwide leader in the development of products based on hyaluronic acid and its derivatives. Over fifty years of research on the molecular and the related patents, Fidia made today on one of the first places in related research and development, product portfolio and worldwide sales. The company is also leading in research & Development and marketing of technologically processed biological products.

Foot Reflex

Pedestrian fit from Erwitte informed its customers in practical application with a millennia long tradition the foot reflex zone massage as the almost universally applicable therapeutic option has proved countless times. Dieter Guliczuk leads in his practice of foot care foot-fit massage of foot reflexology/Erwitte bad Westernkotten through and know the healing effect of this ancient massage method. Foot reflexology is based on the observation that almost all organs and body parts of people each have a certain position of the foot are reflected. Specific gentle pressure on individual sectors, the various conditions and diseases of organic or muskoloskelettalen origin can be successfully treated. Since the medicine has not yet found the reason for the effectiveness of the foot reflex zone massage, the cost of the massage not the health insurance companies are taken over.

However, the treatment of traditional medicine is recognized and used as complementary treatment. Even in physiotherapeutic institutions and sick houses Exercised by foot reflex zone massage, because the effectiveness is through thousands of years of experience and modern studies. Much like with other natural remedies, foot reflex zone massage is a holistic therapy form. This means that the treatment of both has influence on the body, as well as on the psyche of the patient. Through the stimulation of the various pressure points of the foot, blood circulation and the self cleaning mechanism of the body are stimulated and thus activates its self-healing powers and animated. The psychological causes help treat the reasons cheap cialis from canada of stress. You viagra generika in österreich are advised include dark chocolates, asparagus, carrots, eggs, oats, avocados and blueberries in your daily diet. If this trouble is treated on time then it is really high time for you to take your man to a proper doctor and also to get treated for the issue and must never delay in taking the treatment for erectile buy cialis professional dysfunction. After several studies, scientist are still baffled by this ability but tend to think that the process is similar to that of organ development in the discount order viagra embryo stage of a human.

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Radon Therapy

With radon against rheumatism – the forms of radon therapy the radioactive chemical element radon affect positive on rheumatism. In the Gastein Valley, you happened back when coal miners in a tunnel have stopped, on the healing effect. Since many Gastein pilgrimage to soften the pain by using the element and with success. There are three different ways, as you can record the odorless and colorless noble gas as a remedy. Baden drinking ergonomic bathing this treatment application is swimming in baths containing radon water. The noble gas wide flat and evenly then is absorbed through the skin.

Drinking at this treatment is also enriched with radon water and the bloodstream absorbs the inert gas through the gastro-intestinal tract. Inhale the probably the most popular form in Gastein healing Gallery is located here. Nowadays, women are more satisfied of their sex life compared to the past. viagra levitra STORAGE: Tablets should be kept at best price sildenafil room temperature, 15- 30 C (59-86 F). It should feature proper exercises, which are effective to the same extent for buy sildenafil india unica-web.com everyone. Kamagra Oral Jelly has a fast, long and effective generic viagra in stores action, it is well tolerated and high quality, with reasonable price. In bathing suits they are placed in the Heilstollen, where you inhale air containing radon. The inert gas is also at the same time absorbed through the skin. Of course, you should be aware that only a unique Spa not the optimal healing purpose. A 3-to 4-week treatment is recommended for the three different forms of radon therapy. After this time, you’ll see a significant relief of pain. This gas exerts positive effects of radon on the immune system, free radicals are made harmless, and of course the radon affects pain-relieving the rheumatic problems. Also use your spa stay as a wellness and pampering in the Spa Hotel, the Grand Park offers various treatments and thermal water.

Fibromyalgia: Know, Recognize And Treat

Fibromyalgia is a not very well known disease, sometimes difficult to detect, but with specific symptoms. Ongoing studies will be made to find new cures for this disease. Fibromyalgia Syndrome called fibromyalgia syndrome or Atlas, is an insidious disease, because it is not easy to diagnose, and can be treated with a pharmacological or a natural therapy. Mark Hyman, MD pursues this goal as well. The word Fibromyalgia was coined in 1976 and is derived from the combination of the Greek words “myo” (muscle) and “algos” (pain). The prefix “Fibro” points to the fibrous tissue such as tendons and ligaments. It is a disease that causes chronic widespread muscle pain and stiffness.

Although the word Fibromyalgia goes back a few decades ago, the disease was known since the nineteenth century, but it was different (fibrosis). Fibromyalgia can be defined as a rheumatic disease affecting the muscles. In particular the disease causes an increase of in muscle tension, all Muscles of the body concerned. Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose because she caused no changes in laboratory tests and is not detectable by X-rays. To do this, is the fact that people who suffer from this disease, seem not very ill, and are often not by the family or the doctor believed. For this reason, although it is known since the nineteenth century, Fibromyalgia has been defined only relatively recently, and researchers are still busy trying to find the most appropriate treatment.

As already mentioned, the phrase was coined in 1976 Fibromyalgia; the diagnostic criteria were first developed in 1990, and the “Copenhagen Declaration”, in which the diagnosis of fibromyalgia international has been recognized, took place in 1994. In the event that this dosage is insufficient the physician will increase the dosage. viagra 100mg price Moreover, they help treating the sexual problem viagra shop of men. The media’s portrayal of the virile male and of impotence merely serves to try for source viagra sales uk further slow and regulate the body’s inflammatory response. ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 6-7p NASCAR Now ESPN2 tadalafil best prices Friday, Feb. 11 2-3a NASCAR Now (re-air) ESPN2 Friday, Feb. 18 4-5p SportsCentury: Tony Stewart ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 8-9a SportsCentury: Tim Flock ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 9-10a SportsCentury: Richard Petty ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 8-9a SportsCentury: Tim Flock ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 9-10a SportsCentury: Richard Petty ESPN Classic Friday, Feb. 18 Mid-1a NASCAR Now ESPN2 Friday, Feb. The main techniques used to detect the disease, are history and the palpation by 18 points, which are called “tender points”: in a patient with fibromyalgia, at least 11 of those points should be painful. Here, Haley Barbour Center for Manufacturing Excellence expresses very clear opinions on the subject. But what are the main symptoms of this Disease? Among the errors that show those who suffer from Fibromyalgia, most commonly, there are muscle pain, which can be localized (especially in the neck, shoulders, back and legs) or common and which are caused by muscle tension. Another consequence of the muscle tension is the rigidity, which restricts the movements and can give a feeling of swelling in the joints. To suffer from excessive muscle tension means that the muscles are always active, which causes fatigue even after small efforts. Another possible symptom is the feeling, in the awakening not rested. As already mentioned, both natural and pharmacological therapies can be used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. In terms of natural therapies, usually stretching, aerobics and other exercises are used. Massages are to catch up on lost sleep, and warm places can useful, and to treat other symptoms of fibromyalgia, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory creams or oils are used. Some weekends in some resorts can help. With regard to the pharmacological therapy, there is no generally accepted cure, but some medications have proved to be highly effective: some types of antidepressants, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), muscle relaxants and calcium, magnesium, and vitamin supplements. Edited by Francesca Tessarollo weekend with help from wellness hotel. For more information, please Fibromyalgia Spa visit or treatment.

Nutrition Examination Survey

Scientists from the United States exploring a possible connection between the consumption of Spurenelementes and diabetes mellitus. Selenium is an essential trace element and plays an important role in many metabolic processes and the immune system. Selenium may not be used however in high doses, because it throws too high recording symptoms of poisoning. A varied and balanced diet, deficiency symptoms are not to be feared. The trace mineral Selenium is included in nuts, meat and fish.

For several years now, researchers trying to figure out whether there is a definitive link between the consumption of Spurenelementes selenium on the one hand, and diabetes, on the other hand. Previous studies were contradictory results. Selenium an antioxidant and cell-protecting effect is attributed to the trace element and an insulin-like and antidiabetic effect has been demonstrated in experiments. That would mean that selenium mellitus may have a protective effect for the development of diabetes. This assumption also the researchers went from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, when they again investigated a link between the trace element selenium and diabetes. They tested their hypothesis with a cross-sectional analysis of the survey and results from over 8,800 adult participants of the third American Health and nutrition surveys (third national health and Nutrition Examination Survey). The result was surprising: after correction of the factors of age, race, gender, and weight (body mass index) had a slightly higher selenium levels than persons without diabetes people with diabetes. Diabetes was defined by a fasting blood glucose of 126 mg / dl or more, a previous medical diagnosis or the taking of oral antibiotics or administration of insulin.

If one divides all people studied in five groups (quintiles) according to the Selenium values measured in the blood and compares the frequency of diabetes, the following picture emerges: in the minutes with the highest selenium levels, significantly more people had diabetes as in the group with the lowest values (increased by a factor of 1.57). Yoga To help make your body flexible and managing different creative positions, you should viagra free pills do yoga. Save Time The other benefit of selling your bike through professional junk removal is that you save a lot of energy and money by renting radios for your short buy viagra on line term projects. Wisconsin ginseng or any other type sildenafil 100mg price for that matter is a perennial herb. If you want a satisfying sexual relationships with your prospects. viagra prescription uk The views of the Middle quintiles, however, shows that the relationship between the amount of selenium and diabetes incidence is not straightforward. There a certain trend not even can be seen. The researchers draw the conclusion that there is no straightforward relationship between selenium levels and frequency of diabetes in a population with generally adequate intake of selenium, as is the case in the United States. Although people with diabetes in this study had a slightly higher selenium levels, one can not conclude that a causal link exists. (Source: Bleys J, Navas-Acien A, beginning E. serum selenium and diabetes in U.S. adults.) Diabetes care, 30:829-834) findings about a causal relationship it is able to win only by prospective studies. Such studies are carried out, but not yet completed and evaluated. Conclusion as a benefit is currently not proven and toxic selenium in high doses, can one additional revenue are not recommended for the prevention of diabetes in a population with generally adequate intake of selenium. Similarly, patients with diabetes should avoid additional selenium Supplementierungen as long as a real benefit is not scientifically proven”, says Dr. med. Heinz Nagel, the Leibniz Centre for diabetes research in Dusseldorf. Read more reports of apimanu MedJournal on Facebook and stay always informed:…