Celebration For Realtors

The Minister of Justice Konovalov told the Russians that ‘… notary has the ability to delegate certain functions by the state, including … design a package of documents on real estate transactions. ” Quote of the given A. Konovalov and performances on the conscience of the organ is its correct interpretation. Of citations, it is clear that the state currently has a function ‘… design package of documents on real estate transactions’ and this function can transmit the notary.

Is a function of time, then there must be a public authority exercising a function. ; Maxine Williams addresses the importance of the matter here. Who knows this information, please inform me. Author’s article (Vladislav Kulikov) reminded me known to all the fable IA Krylov ‘The Hermit and the Bear’, in which the famous fabulist voiced a controversial conclusion – ‘officious fool is more dangerous than the enemy. ” Author’s text is worthy of citation: “Offices of Notaries will be something like single window in which the citizen can solve a lot of legal problems. ” ‘… The idea is to give them rights is not just a record deal with the property, but fully execute all documents. If the proposal pass, it will be a big plus not only for the notaries, but for the citizens. And a big disadvantage for the Realtors. ” ‘Recent today often take a lot of money for simply to keep the seller from the buyer. At best, they more prompt citizens to coordinate corrupt officials who draw up the documents without the queues and hassle.