Flu Viruses Database

Consumer protection Ministry supports settlement of influenza database in Bonn the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) and the GISAID Foundation paved the way for the establishment of a flu virus database in Bonn with a memorandum of understanding on October 14, 2009. In the international influenza database to collect all information about the world’s rampant influenza virus. The database is developed for the GISAID Foundation by the Max Planck Institute for computer science and the a3 System GmbH. “With the establishment of the international influenza database in Germany we want to support fast data exchange of emerging influenza viruses”, as Federal Minister of food, agriculture and consumer protection Ilse Aigner (CSU) in the press release of the BMELV by the 16.10.2009. “It is important to react quickly and develop vaccines for humans and animals.” In 2006, scientists from around the world to the GISAID Foundation had (global initiative on) Sharing all influenza data, platform.gisaid.org) joined together.

The aim of the initiative is the worldwide free and free exchange of genetic, epidemiological and clinical data of known and newly discovered influenza viruses. On behalf of the GISAID Foundation was the influenza database EpiFluDB”developed in which currently participate scientists from more than 140 countries. The research origin and development of the pathogen on the globe can analyze using the collected data – for example sequences of 30,000 isolates of influenza. Better knowledge about the spread of dominant flu viruses should improve and speed up the development of seasonal vaccines. After the GISAID initiative and the existing database operator had separated, the influenza database has been programmed from scratch. Since August 2009, she will operated system in Saarbrucken at the Max Planck Institute for computer science and a3 and further developed. After completion of the development she should permanently to the Federal Agency for agriculture and food to Bonn be moved.

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