Medical Devices

Big promotion with incredible prices makes the sale of medical equipment to the delight of ostringen, October 19, 2009. So, trade in expensive medical equipment even in the crisis is fun. The online marketplace specializing in medical technology celebrated the continued success of the last few months and allows all its customers and those who want to become it, participate. “The flat-rate product intermediport-Pro” enables every retailer to set as many devices in the online marketplace in a period of 6 months, and to act. The interesting thing about this pricing model is that it neither the seller nor the buyer additional costs or commissions are required. intermediport-professional”usually costs 99 Euros per month for a period of 6 months, what plus VAT is equivalent to a total price of EUR 594. The content of intermediport is enjoyed in recent months of very popular and the company invested heavily in a new infrastructure. Please visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. if you seek more information. This infrastructure should be utilised: therefore intermediport begins an incredible special offer.

November 20th, the flat rate option is intermediport-Pro”for 20 euro a month, instead of the usual 99 euros and a total price for 6 months 120 euros Excl. VAT offered. This unique and time-limited special offer is equivalent to a saving of legendary 474 euro. The flat rate is not extended after these 6 months. Intermediport would like to convince more large and small traders by the advantages of the flat-rate options with this step. The Managing Director Tobias Bar explained in an interview: Our experience has shown that nearly all flat rate contracts have amortizes itself within a very short time. After a month, 90 percent of our flat-rate customers generated more profit than the 6-month flat rate option intermediport professional”costs. The current special offer is far beaten until achieving the profit limit. this period of time”