Reinhold Baudisch Questionable Government decision costly car insurance from 1.1.2012 which has Council of Ministers a raise of the minimum sum insured in the insurance of 6 to 7 million euro decided. The change applies to all existing and new insurance contracts.’s experts see this as a pure cost without added value for consumers. No added value for consumers, damage beyond the 6 million price increase action are extremely rare in Austria, when they occur but they can make significantly more than the now approved 7 million euro. Even if such an extreme case occurs, the insurer is obliged to pay the damage unlimited anyway”, as Reinhold Baudisch of The insurer must get back then the money in such a rare case at the consumer, what in most cases is aussichtlos, but can drive consumers to financial ruin. According to cardiologist, who has experience with these questions. Therefore, we find generally good, it when the car insurance sums be increased but then please so neat”Reinhold Babu.

The low increase of car insurance doesn’t solve the problem from a consumer perspective, the insurance industry, however, benefited from the rising insurance premiums. Now adopted totals increase becomes thus first and foremost to a legally authorized price increase action on the backs of consumers.” The insurance expert appealed to the Parliament: If the legislature actually the consumers before any recourse claims which would like to maintain liability insurance, he should the limits of liability equal to raise beyond the 10 million euro. Also a completely unlimited liability is conceivable, as is the case in France and Hungary. After almost never enter claims at this level and in the event of the insurance anyway to sit still on the damage, such an arrangement would probably not significantly more affect the tariffs than the increases we are seeing now.” Increase by up to 3 per cent – 2 million motorists also affected if the National Council still vote to have, is the change apparently already a done deal.