
Summary Is understood as self-medication the medicine use without no intervention on the part of a doctor, or another qualified professional, nor in the diagnosis, so little in the lapsing, or the accompaniment of the treatment. Many writers such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer more in-depth analysis. Economic factors, cultural politicians and have contributed for the growth and the diffusion of the self-medication in the world, having become it a problem of public health. More availability of products in the market, beyond bigger access the information for half electronic or not, what it generates greater familiarity of the lay user with medicines. In this perspective, this work objectified to identify, in literature, the inherent perigos the practical one of the self-medication. One was about a study, with bibliographical character, based in pertinent literature to the subject, developed in the bibliographical quantity of the College Saint Emlia de Rodat (FASER), as well as in other sources, such as reviewed and sites indexados of the Internet, based to the light of pertinent literature to the subject. The related one literature approaches that the improper medicine use can cause diverse consequences, as bacterial resistance, medicamentosas and/or nutricionais reactions of hipersensibilidade, interactions, dependence, digestive bleed, risk for determined neoplasias, being able to take the individual the death. On the other hand, the people who make use of this practical do not know the problems that the frmacos can cause when managed indiscriminately, what it can affect the health of the people. More frequent and including educative campaigns can thus reach and impactar the population in a general way and, to promote a greater welfare for the people.

In this way we can conclude, as observed in the literature, that the indiscriminate medicine use can bring innumerable curses, since light organic alterations until the death of the individual, being necessary greaters campaigns with intention to inform the inherent risks to the behavior of the self-medication to prevent that this practical perpetuates. Words key: Self-medication, perigos of the self-medication. Keywords: Self-medication, dangers of self-medication.