Law, Competition and Rule

Therefore, analysts to officialdom was not difficult to note that the “enemy” weak spots offered also for the same reason, ruminations that the opposition was at risk of getting stuck. Moreover, the propulsion of the reference project gave the Government circumstantial allies, important sectors of society, some very unfairly, they were unable by law from the dictatorship of obtaining a broadcasting license. Perhaps check out Dr Jee Hyun Kim for more information. To these, so neglected and, with long years of struggle to gain access to rights curtailed, they can not appropriate any attempt to delay parliamentary treatment. Strategically, the government maximizes the joint.

For this purpose, it should be mentioned that to reverse the existence of monopolies or dominant market positions, the State is not required by law to introduce certain restrictions that complicate the drafting of the rule, for that there are specific antitrust laws, including Law Competition N 25 156, which is legislation (enacted on 08/25/1999), and therefore might have been applied in these cases, but that both Nestor and Cristina have overlooked. As submitted to Congress the draft ruling was flawed by errors, inaccuracies and even contradicts what the government proclaimed fight, this is the case for the empowerment of Telephone, to provide cable service (just to give a clear position dominant), which were expressly forbidden by the statement of privatization and that most of the projects presented in this area had restricted access. In this sense corresponds to say that over 200 amendments to the House of Representatives, even if not correct all the negative aspects or neutralized waivers of executive power, substantially improved the text of the standard. .