Not be accepted any donations or funding from abroad for the development or sustaining what the state defines as political activists and candidates on any electoral process will not be entitled to withdraw from the race until it is actually carried out; also rises the percentage of signatures for the referendum request of 10% to 20% in general cases, where the recall states that the percentage must be “not less than 30%” and in the case of abrogating rises from 5% to 20%, ie, rise bureaucratic barriers to the exercise of this right of citizenship, and pretty sore by the way … The figure of the recall referendum was held in the proposal although parallel is reserved to the National Assembly the power to dismiss any officer elected by popular vote without having their own constituents convene an endorsement of or for dismissal, also ensures the same way the possibility to dismiss the vice president, the ministers, the Attorney General, the Comptroller, the Judges at any level or instance, and so on., well within the commission proposed to eliminate the term “decentralization” of the State Constitution to approach them because this implies a “devolution” of power that undermines the objectives of the XXI Century Socialism
This is essentially what has leaked between the high and thick walls of silence and secrecy that has surrounded the government and has worked this important subject or at least what the media have made public that they have touched, in summary This is the final and absolute confiscation of all our citizens and democratic rights are concerned, the proposed constitution is approved, the final standing of all crimes and abuses that Venezuelan democratic society has been reporting for years and still many other more serious many times been rejected as alleged exaggerations of the “radical opposition and coup plotting.” Many times I have heard and have asked me what else is missing?, What we are going to come now? That’s what comes, what is missing is that ALL consciously assume the reality in all its rawness and an inescapable responsibility on our present and our future and if, indeed Venezuela is not Cuba, we can not launch into the adventure of the desperate boat people because we have no promise of asylum and freedom of the damn Florida 45 miles from our coast …. ‘.. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from abbott laboratories.