Alternative Drives

Hybrid, electric and hydrogen – is already, what is still pie in the sky? To counteract Wenden (OWR) – a further burden on the environment, the automotive industry working hard on implementing an emission drive for passenger cars. Scattered studies and prototypes can sprout hopes, that CO2 soon of the past values of 200 g / km and more. Recently Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. sought to clarify these questions. Peugeot has developed a small car with the BB1 for the city, powered purely by electricity. To use ecologically gained power for recharging, the emission would be zero. Another interesting study is the Mazda Premacy RE hybrid. A wankel engine, powered by hydrogen or petrol, with low consumption, is used as a generator to power the electric drive. The range with hydrogen is 200 km at the time, and generates nothing but oxygen. Alexander Falk, operator of the Web site has an eye on the manufacturer. On its portal the reader will find German and foreign all studies and prototypes Manufacturers, as well as information on alternative energy resources. An extensive database about visions of the future and the environment could be created through strong editorial work of the young entrepreneur.