National Executive Committee

Koran-burning, Muhammad cartoons, Sarrazin and Steinbach – about one? In Florida, wants to (or wanted to, depending on the message) an evangelical pastor in Koran expenditure burn, the Danish Mohammed cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, meanwhile, received a media award in Potsdam. Thilo Sarrazin leaves the Bundesbank “voluntarily” and Erika Steinbach resigns from the National Executive Committee of the CDU. Above all belonging to these events together? Have we seen the week of freedom of expression? Or its opposite? Koran-burning, Muhammad cartoons, Sarrazin and Steinbach – about one? To interpret the submissions of the Chancellor, the thing is (almost) clear: Koran burns are not covered by the freedom of speech, Muhammad cartoons are a beacon of freedom and the moral courage. Sarrazin’s statements not fall again under the protection of free expression, Steinbach positions somehow already, but actually not. The Bild-Zeitung is as consistent, there is everything really OK and laments a vacuum on the political right, which is in turn TAZ somehow against everything. What now? Freedom of expression: A problematic discourse of the suspicion arises that the discourse in the name of freedom of expression, in which the events are negotiated, presents at least two problems.

In the political sphere, as in the intellectual or less intellectual discourse concepts such as freedom of expression and freedom of religion are one thing in particular: argumentative ammunition to strengthen its own position. How one argues against someone who can successfully claim these noble words for themselves? But not enough to distract a such – often quite sensible – “meta discourse” of the particular problems of individual cases. A calm coat on most transparently is placed in a sense. Different problems individually consider how but see, considered itself the really problematic aspects of the four events? Now, the influence of the evangelical right in the United States is immense and while skilled but soft response from President Obama on the Announcement of the Koran Burns speaks volumes – the mid-term elections are approaching and the Republicans succeed in the polls. At the award ceremony on westergaard, were two senior presenters with Merkel and Gauck, you must wonder whether otherwise think of the ‘West’ for an obviously intended demonstration of the strength of the own “values” as the work of cartoonists. Thilo Sarrazin’s tarnished in turn far more the absolutely necessary integration debate with his primary organic Logis MUS as worn. And Erika Steinbach? Now, their opinion in 1939 “the Poland first mobile had. Since we can no longer help Andreas Kellner…