Secondary Metabolites

Venous weakness and swollen legs by experts swear by recommended many people nature, when it comes to their health. That’s a good thing, because the natural opportunities for some ailments and diseases to cure or mitigate. They are usually, but not the whole plants that are useful, but certain herbal ingredients. So is the chronic venous insufficiency, a condition of the veins, which better varicose veins known as is. In this disease, certain secondary metabolites from a wide variety of plants should be helpful.

Now, a new scientific study has examined these phytochemicals actually are recommended for people with venous weakness and varicose veins. Additional information is available at cardiologist. While scientists are systematically went through the world’s present research for the treatment of venous weakness and have rated the used pflanzlichenTherapeutika. Of the plant resources, the Oxerutine and certain flavonoids could withstand the scientific views. Both were recommended by scientists for people with venous weakness. The flavonoids for treating venous weakness are still quite unknown in Germany. This involves the flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin from a lemon.

These have increasingly attracted the attention of health research in in recent years, because multiple health effects ascribed to them. Thereby, the intensive studies have shown repeatedly that are Diosmin and Hesperidin in the situation, to help people with venous disorders. She can in weakness of vein ease pain, reduce inflammation, reduce the swelling, and it can accelerate even the healing of skin ulcers in advanced stages. This is good to know for people who already suffer from varicose veins. But even more. The flavonoids from the lemon can stop the progression of the venous weakness and could therefore be suitable for the prevention of venous diseases. These results give hope and suggest that the flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin regulating effect can in what is happening at venous weakness and prevent in natural ways of further deterioration. This results that the flavonoids should be as early as possible nutritionally applied to influence the course of suffering still cheap mean for the application concerned with venous weakness. The flavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum in the trade are in Germany. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet.