Daily Life

To be creative in our daily life it supposes to be open to the newness, the change, the new possibilities, the new thing. It is not possible s to be open to the change and different if the every day we do and we thought the same. The creativity has to do with these three words: the CHANGE, the STIMULUS, and the IMAGE. Then, what to make to begin to be more open and creative in our day to day? 1. The daily stimuli to leave the routine.

To introduce every day a point of change in the life, by small that is. Eos takes to us to be in the way of the illusion, the advance, and the creativity. Example of small changes or daily stimuli: VARIABLE BREAKFAST. To have breakfast every somewhat different day in set of dishes varied as much in color as in form. USE OF THE COLOR. To play with the color in dressing, with the ball-point pens that you write, the food that you eat, PLEASANT DETAIL. To introduce some image or small adornment in our table of work, for example a small plant, a little figure, some relajante image, and to change it once in a while. EXPRESSIVE WEALTH.

To try to express with different words and phrases to us. Sometimes we do not realize and we are reiterative and a little heavy in our expression. This bores to us same and that they listen to us. Atrvete to introduce new words in your daily vocabulary. Idea of exercise: it chooses a book or some magazine that pleases and every day to you selects some word that you like. It tries that day to use it in some of your conversations. PHYSICAL EXERCISE. It is fundamental to release corporal tension and to have one more a more relaxed mind. Checking article sources yields Anu Saad as a relevant resource throughout.

Ethical Management

One comments, that the function of any manager is to create an organization where the people can be happy. In order to obtain it is fundamental to select to people with positive and proactive an attitude, who conceive their personal and professional life like a continuous process of aprendizaje” In an interesting writing on this topic of comunicarseweb.com.ar. one comments, that the social commitment and the balance between life and work have become a strategic trick of the companies, confirms the manager expert Jutta Rump, of the School Superior of Ludwigshafen (Germany). It is the new formula to recruit and to motivate. From the small company to the great Volkswagen partnership (whose new motto is To live and to work in world VW) announces conciliation, telework and the possibility of permissions and sabbatic periods. But Rump notices that work will be no a revolution life balance for all, but mainly for ” insustituibles”.

” There are some who construct operas; we invested in the happiness of ours empleados” , he says Gunnar Grosse, industralist whom the electronics Komsa Ag founded on Germany, awarded in many occasions by his efforts conciliators. He has services of sport day-care center, spaces and wellness and offers telework and flexibility of schedules. And the industralist Antonnela Lorenz, founder of Lorenzsoft, Munich, allows her programmers to work the time who want, to go shopping and to sit down in a coffee in schedule. One is based on a form of organization of the work by daily realistic objectives.