Federal Constitution

Presence of Enslaved Blacks in Farms of the Hinterland of Pernambuco With Law 10,693/2003 that it includes afrobrasileiros studies in the national resume, aiming at to transmit to the pupils of Basic and Average Ensino the History of Africa and Black Brazil, was transferred to question it: because the language and mainly history, detainer of the data during as much time, did not obtain to enxergar the important black as etnia in the formation of the Brazilian people? E, dust what!, in the few times when this if became visible age with inferiority stigma? If Africa is the cradle of the humanity and if ancestral of men and the women of the world they had all come of Africa, as if it can correct the historical injustices in relation to this etnia? Exactly without approaching the question of the slavery, which the difficulties that hinder the inclusion and the full exercise of the citizenship afrodescentes them in Brazil? On these questions, Kabengele Munanga (2009) brings important information in relation to the exploration and the brutal domination to which had been submitted the Africans, whom in that context, it demanded to consider them rudes. With that purpose? To justify and to legitimize to the violence and the humilhao of the forced works? It would be denying this group the dignity to be part of the humanity? Existing literature on the presence of blacks in the hinterland of Pernambuco presents as focos of the slavery in the period of settling in the regions characterized as of domain of the House of the Tower of family D? vila, especially the ones that correspond to the areas of Cabrob, Saint Maria of the Boa Vista, Carnaba, Forest, Itacuruba, Willow, Mirandiba, Are Jose of the Belmonte, Belm of the San Francisco, Parnamirim, New Land, Ouricuri, Bodoc, Oroc, Exu, Lagoon Grande and Petrolina. These and other areas of Pernambuco, currently are being analyzed for effect to repair a historical error with the blacks that as much contribuiram for the settling of the region. These areas are being reinvindicadas to the Brazilian government for the remainders quilombolas, of the same way that the aboriginal lands are being gradually demarcated and returned. If the indians are obtaining the landmark of its lands and the descendants of Jews (Christian new) deserve to obtain the space that was denied to it in history per as many years, why not to return also the time and the voice to the black in this different society, that even so invisible for as much time, the proper Federal Constitution demands that if it becomes visible the different one and that if becomes equal the kept out of society one or that is recognized the right the equality all independe of etnia, philosophy, politics opu belief.