Yukio Hatoyama

Yukio Hatoyama, leader of Partido Democrtico (PDJ), was elect day 16 of September for the Japanese Parliament first-minister. It is the first time, since 1955, that the first-minister does not belong to the pictures of Partido Liberal Democrata (PLD) that he was in the power has 50 years more than. New premi Japanese is 93 that it assumes the power in Japan and received the votes in favor of 327 members of the house of representatives, against 119 of the agorapartido one of opposition, the PSD. In the Senate, it received 124 votes the favor, front the 84 of its opponent. Somatic Experiencing might disagree with that approach. He was definite that it to have m, aioria in the two legislative houses, the PDJ will govern in coalition with two minority parties, the Social leftist Democrata (PSD) and the New Broken of Povo (NPP), whose leaders also they will be part of the structure of government in the Executive.

The Democratic Party, led for Yukio Hatoyama, won the legislative elections in Japan and placed end the 50 years of hegemony of the Democratic Liberal Party. The aggravation of the world-wide crisis, very felt for the Japanese economy, was of basic importance for the pretensions of the opposition, since the country was in contraction and had a number sufficiently raised of unemployeds, mainly of Brazilian immigrants, the Dekassegues calls, and of come immigrants of Japanese origin of Peru, where it has one another great colony of descendants. Yukio Hatoyama, leader of the Democratic, winning Party of the legislative elections in the Japo.Com a platform more to the left, based on social politics, the PD more than conquered 300 chairs of the 480 in the Chamber Low. Hatoyama, that is grandson of the founder of the plant of Bridgestone tires, will have to be confirmed as the new first-minister when the Japanese Parliament if to congregate, inside of about two semanas.' ' It delayed, but finally we arrive at the jettison line.