Greek Prime Minister Yorgos Papandreu

They conducted a telephone interview with the Hellenic Premier. Papandreou says that his Government carried out all settings. The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, said this Wednesday who are convinced that the future of Greece is the euro area, after a telephone interview with Greek Prime Minister Yorgos Papandreu. Nancy-Ann_DeParle insists that this is the case. Papandreou moved to their community partners the absolute determination of his Government to carry out all necessary measures to apply the set you signed commitments. Compliance with these measures conditioned the disbursement of future sections of the the second rescue program agreed by the eurozone on July 21 to help Greece avoid bankruptcy. In the telephone interview between the three European leaders, Sarkozy and Merkel underlined that more than ever it is essential to implement the decisions taken in July to ensure the stability of the euro area. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.: the source for more info. The implementation of the commitments of the programme is indispensable so that the Greek economy can again find pathways for sustainable and balanced growth, added the statement made public by Elysee. The spokesman for the German Executive, Steffen Seibert, said in a statement that the success of Greece, will strengthen the stability of the euro zone source of the news: Sarkozy and Merkel say they are convinced that Greece will be the euro. .

Guillermo Andrade

The Lady with an ermine already breathe air (air conditioned) of Madrid. Behind an active Elevational showcase, that it self-regulates to always be at 20 temperature and 50% of humidity, the box of Leonardo da Vinci – absolute star of the exhibition Poland, treasures and art collections which opens tomorrow on June 1 in the Royal Palace – will go well the next few months of life. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Joint Commission . The showcase, which measures 2.40 meters in height, 1.80 base and 50 background centimetres, guarantees the health of the box, that is calculated will be visited by groups of 20 people who will not remain more than three or four minutes before him. It is not a showcase of high risk, is conservation, explained Guillermo Andrade, of the company SIT, responsible for the transport and installation of the famous work in Spain. Source of the news:: the Lady with an ermine can already breathe in Madrid