Companies and Their Workers

Mimetics, are not transparent, change color, shape, and time to smell. You have to give them a certain art of camouflage, the picaresque Mediterranean. Build your speech with the words “touch” in its strategy to hide negative realities of a bad business management, management style and leadership unhealthy, counterproductive, and causing great economic losses. You may wonder where is the camouflage? Is it in my business? Is it a partner of the management team? Am I one of them, and do not identify myself? In recent times of economic booms, astral projection, it was difficult to identify them. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. spoke with conviction. Everything was fine, everything was justified, it’s all makeup, that the governing board of the cooperative, the shareholders of the company known virtual reality, listen to what they want to hear and see what they want to see, this is the maximum and the principle of all behavior and professional actions of a mimetic. Honestly I must say that I am not interested in the mimetic, from the point of view, seem to have triumphed in the back but the medals are made of tin. What interests me greatly, from a focus on organizational improvement, professional and business is up removing this type of professionals that cause damage to the companies that manage and direct, in their attitudes, behaviors and decisions detrimental to corporate health, in its entirety.

Sick companies, are not only the economic aspect, but also they are in humans, affecting the health of many workers, resulting in losses due to absenteeism, poor performance and poor corporate image. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr Jee Hyun Kim. The strategic reorganization must be carried out first professional management team, later to implement it throughout the organization, with the participation of the governing board (in the case of a cooperative), or the shareholders’ meeting (in the case of a corporation). It is very important to ensure the success of corporate strategy and that everyone feels involved in the reorganization of the company. Now that we know very profitable and dangerous are the mimetics, we should work to detect, and custom measures provided under the criteria of professional ethics and business, and with its sights set on the community, in the great benefit that generates company strategically organized, directed, and managed. International markets, competitiveness, financial instability are up removal of many professionals who have lived (a king), lords of the realm of good living, without prejudice to their egocentric behavior management.

Back to strategically organize companies, is from my professional point of view, an urgent need to address the adverse circumstances in which we are immersed. The strategy begins with oneself to give and serve others. It is necessary in times of professional stress, take up the perspective of the situation. No need to travel to an exotic country, not venturing to fly in a glider, not so many adventures that they want to sell, you can, and should find space for reflection, if it is in nature much better, and reorganize its management approaches: keeping everything worked, and correcting errors is detected. You can ensure the success of the reorganization, working every day in the culture change Business and professional, who wants to implant in the company he directs, without haste but without rest breaks gradually settling the principles of the new style of leadership that you will engage with their example of collective leadership, being a servant leader. Learn how you, the office of minister, and will be guaranteed success as manager of the team led integration, generating a corporate culture based on collaboration, commitment to work in professional proactive in the work excellence.