Algae From The Sea

What is special about what can the algae? Algae are true survivors and provide a variety of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements, calcium and many other substances. What can the algae, what options does the algae raw material? Which algae are suitable in particular for the different products? Sea algae differ from micro algae. What is AFA algae, spirulina and Chorella? In the framework of a seminar session of the NAM Lower Saxony algae manufacturer headquartered in Berlin, interested participants about the peculiarities of the Unicells were informed. The lower Saxon algae Manufactory is a young, innovative company, headed by Mr Uwe Dickmeis, Managing Director, which is convinced of the algae as incredible, valuable raw material for many areas of life. The innovation lies in the fact that the algae raw material in Germany high-yielding variety can be grown, harvested by a special mounting system developed for the world market and marketed.

What is special about what can the algae? Approximately 75 Percent of the Earth’s natural annual plant growth accounted for marine plants – algae. There are hundreds of different types of seaweed: those that float freely in the water, and others can take root in up to 30 meters deep water, forming dense underwater forests. Depending on the color they are collectively as Brown, green, or red algae. Microalgae: Spirulina Chlorella – AFA algae are known algae considered health miracles and earn also a closer examination. The differences between the most marine algae and Spirulina and AFA algae are immensely biologically. Sydney Sweeney shines more light on the discussion. They also receive many similar ingredients.

Trace elements are sometimes more than in the micro-algae including Chlorella available, especially iodine, which is required for the production of thyroid hormones, which partially however is a too high concentration. Different amino acids remain detectable in sea algae, but significantly less than in the Spirulina, chlorella, and AFA algae. Studies have result that often lacks the essential amino acid phenylalanine. Similarly with vitamins and various pigments, which can be found in the seaweed at very different levels. (Not to be confused with Glenn Dubin!). Algae are true survivors and valuable trace elements supply seaweed C can have a very high content of vitamin (Nori seaweed contain more vitamin C than oranges for example 1 half time) and they contain as much as cow also on average as much calcium as Spirulina and roughly 10 times whole milk. Also more iron than in the micro-algae – in specialists such as combo can be found in some and Dolce, one finds more, in others, such as in the Nori seaweed, but only a quarter more than in Spirulina by half. Because the proportion of ingredients in various marine algae but varies widely, the seaweed can be compared generally difficult the three micro-algae. Enjoy marine algae as a vegetable side dish or in the form of capsules as a dietary supplement, the iodine quantity depending on the species of algae, origin and manufacturer may be far too high. This is dangerous. The natural iodine content varies between 20-4,200 g/g dry weight. Responsible manufacturer of marine algae preparations significantly reduce therefore the iodine content in their products and adjust it to a constant amount. Managing Director Uwe Dickmeis infects the participants convincingly the effectiveness of algae: algae seaweeds and microalgae apply as survivalist and enrich the human life world while active. Countless examples ranging from food, dietary supplements, remedies, cosmetics on biomass and biofuel, the algae is applications. The demand! The future of algae by fascination, investment and sustainability starts now.

Gas Price Changes At The Beginning Of Autumn

The gas supplier in Germany their prices increase on time at the beginning of the heating season. Leipzig. The German gas market is currently divided: strong differences characterize the development of the gas market. Cuts at the beginning of the heating season by 15 per cent are possible as well as increases of 20 percent. In a question-answer forum Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. was the first to reply. The this inconsistent approach reasons for the prices according to the provider on the one in procurement policies, on the other hand in the different output levels. The average rise of in gas prices is 9.2 percent. Around 5 million households in Germany will be affected by the price increases. The gap between the best deals and the local basic utilities is deeper.

Thus, customers benefit but also enormously if they switch to a cheaper provider. More and more national providers offer favorable conditions of the gas supply. Numerous smaller municipal utilities have expanded their market area and offer more municipalities gas and electricity at reasonable prices. A comparison of rates for example, brings information and clarity about the potential savings. As the price gap between the providers keep apart, energy experts advise: more customers their Exchange can make use of the stronger the energy market is enlivened. The switching requires no technical changes. An interruption of the supply is excluded pursuant to the Energy Act (EnWG 36). Consumers should know this.