To try to be well I obtain and with the others. 7. TO OBSERVE the World where we live, to give attention, what we hear to our redor, for times, has messages that in they are destined. 8. To create its interior world (to think, to read, to communicate with the others) to have bases the one that if to support when something goes badly. 9. To train during the free moments small exercises of meditation, concentration, or simply to leave silence to install themselves and to think about what it exists of more important for we (nothing of corporeal properties), the love of somebody, the priorities, what we would like to make as work or projectos to carry through. 10. To always believe its GOOD STAR, exactly the worse situations. 11. To say whenever it could be worse. 12. At the very difficult moments to say the word Jesus, or the name of an important person for us. 13. To try not to have perpetual irritations or hatred. 14. To fight for what it is liked and to give the maximum of itself to materialize its objectivos. 15. To prevent the ways most easy, in general they are deceptive. 16. Regularly to harmonize itself with the nature to state in thought our love for the Universe, that is constituted of beings livings creature as we. As a conjunct of gratitude to the Creator. 17. Not to forget and to be proud of its origins for more modest than are. 18. If for happiness we did not have good examples, we must strengthen us for better making of what they had taught in them, thus the merit will be all ours. 19. To know that nobody has the absolute truth. 20. TO LIKE ITSELF. To know to give value without exageros. 21. over all never to lose the capacity TO LAUGH and to create good environments. I wrote this text to think about my children and the young. This is the result of thoughts and books that I read and my proper experience.