Rest In Odessa

Odessa has huge resources for the development of different types of tourism and attracts a wide audience, ranging from youth and ending with the elderly (retirees). The most common species on Odessschine tourism include adventure, cruise, sports. Unlike the majority of the Ukrainian resorts, which are mostly popular among domestic tourists, Odessa quite popular among foreign guests. (A valuable related resource: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.). Within the last few years, the city is visited annually by more than one million tourists. The share of foreign tourists in the general flow of an average of 10-15%. Tourist flow to Odessa for the past years characterized by positive dynamics.

The main prospects for further increases in tourist flows associated with the development of special economic zones for tourism and recreation. If we talk about the structure of tourism flow in Odessa, then, first of all, it should be noted that the flow of tourists on average over the last few years is 80% of the inhabitants of post-Soviet countries of Russia, Belarus, Moldova and domestic tourists, more and more of our citizens travel in Ukraine. Continue to learn more with: Joel Courtney. A significant part of foreign visitors are residents of America, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Finland. Each foreign tourists every day brings a city 50-100 dollars. Sightseeing trip to Odessa, Ukraine for foreigners arrange concierge company (best known – 'Free Time Club'). Accurate statistics on the number of organized and unorganized tourists today is not, but experts Travel market indicate that the trend of recent years has been to increase the number of individual tourists in the general flow of tourists.

A significant part tkih tourists often stop in tents or cars. The region has more than 700 institutions of rehabilitation, treatment and recreation, including: 35 health centers (4.9%), 8 sanatoriums (1,1%), 44 children's recreational facilities (5.8%), 118 hotel companies (15,4% ), 558 lodges (72.9%), which allows you to simultaneously locate 99 thousand people. The hotel market in the region represented by hotels, hotel and tourist complex you, mini-hotels and guest houses, which the expert may be assigned to one category or another. Among such objects can be note hotels Passage ', Central' Mansion 'Crystal House' Columbus', Frapolli 'Aivazovsky' Odessa Courtyard 'Oreanda', Palladium ', sea' Mozart ', Arcadia Plaza' Palace Del Mar, etc. It should be noted that most of them has a developed infrastructure, which includes cafes, bars, restaurants, pool, rental of sporting equipment and snatsey for fishing, saunas, swimming pools and other facilities. Pomomo this tour offers a wide choice of sports and entertainment infrastructure: rental boats, boats, yachts and ships. The cost of hotel accommodation in Odessa is influenced by many factors, including the location of the facility, type of accommodation facilities, characteristics of room stock, the appearance of buildings, infrastructure, as well as seasonality. The most expensive hotel accommodation cost in 1500 uah per night, per room, will cost cheaper accommodation in the camping village, where the average Room prices range from 500 to 750 uah per day. Most democratic accommodation in private mini-hotels and guest houses. Location of the hotel right in the city affects the cost of upwards of Compared with the hotels, located on the coast. Also tourism market is characterized by seasonality. High season runs from May to September, with a peak in the summer months. Accommodation in gostiinitsah and camp sites of Odessa in the high season is more expensive.