The “Union Fernandina”

The “Union Fernandina” and “The Medical Chronicle” By the mid-nineteenth century doctors joined together to form Peruvian Medical Association Scientific and took an active role in the transmission of medical knowledge equally sanfernandinos students created the first draft of student scientific group formed exclusively by students in the seventh year, the League called “Lovers of Medicine”, by the year 1875. This organization initially met to discuss critically the thesis, and a second phase aimed to educate the working class on disease prevention. However, after the War of 1879 students sanfernandinos spread on all areas of the country, ending with the organization. After the war and the country’s return to normal international students accounted sanfernandinos, specifically four students (John Byron, Manuel Antonio Mu iz, Andres S.Munoz and Leonidas Avenda o) along with others, at the initiative of students P. Ship and Emilio P. Garcia, who formed the Union Society Fernandina, born August 13, 1883. This institution became the cradle of great researchers and the national hero, Daniel A. Carrion. Its aim was to promote national reconstruction and, above all, encourage the advancement of medicine through research. Despite the strong evidence for genetic causes, parents of autistic children are rarely autistic themselves, although tadalafil online they may display personality traits suggestive of autism. What makes silagra, an effective drug for the on line cialis treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, they experience with a significant disability which uk viagra prices is their adverse reactions. Although erections female viagra canada received through these pumps do not provide the natural erection feeling. Fernandina Union Society had its origins as a purely student society, associating the beginning and correspondents some alumni members eventually came to house a significant number of alumni. After the war also disappeared medical journalism, and thus the primary sources of information and communication, so that on January 31, 1884, published the first issue of The Medical Chronicle.This was a publication for the dissemination of educational issues, research and practice issues related to medical and pharmaceutical university education and improving public health, and their records and documents. Studies also gave interest to the community, such as those relating to the care of the environment and demographics. It was published monthly, one volume per year. Fernandina Union Society disorganization suffered by the year 1912, then the creation of the Center for Medical Students and student organization and political organization provided a more solid platform. Thus, for the December 2, 1919 at a General Medical Students, are merging Fernandina Union Medical Society and the Center for Medical students, being only called the Center for Medical students. Medical Chronicle Exclusive passed to students, giving his recent publications by the year 1956.It is important to note that the Society “Fernandina Union” was the basis for the creation of the Medical Society after the Pacific War, and his newspaper “La Cr nica M dica” other scientific publications. The student scientific tradition did not disappear, although it declined by a more political, but this would change in 1991, when you create the Scientific Society of San Fernando, which since 2003 publishes the magazine Science and Latin American Student Medical Research, where scientific papers published by medical students from Latin America.